Helping Hand From Dad
Another week, another new addition to the Straight Lads Spanked stable!
The latest release from your favourite purveyor of male spanking movies introduces Zach, a young man in big trouble.
Zach seeks out his dad to confess that he is in a mess and needs help. He has lost his job, he has lost his girlfriend, he is being leaned on by a shady character to repay a debt or risk getting beaten up, and on top of everything else, he has been feeding an illicit habit by pinching money from his dad's wallet.
"I feel like I'm losing control of my life," he tells his dad, before going on to reminisce about the simpler times when his dad would keep him in line by punishing him with a smacked bottom when he deserved it.
But that was when he was 14.... Surely it's not going to be the answer now that Zach is 22.... is it?
Fortunately for Zach, Dad is prepared to do whatever it takes to give his son a helping hand.... and Zach is about to be reminded that Dad still knows exactly where to apply it – across his wayward son's bottom!
Zach goes over Dad's knee and gets a good spanking on the seat of his jeans, just like when he was a teenager. Then the jeans come down and the spanking continues on the lad's pants.
Already fighting back tears, Zach is by now a very sore and sorry boy, but Dad warns him that his punishment won't be over until he has been spanked on his bare bottom. Either he will be taking his pants down, or Dad will!
That sore red bottom means that Zach may be regretting turning the clock back, especially as Dad reckons that if he doesn't shape up, next time he's going to get the paddle!