7th May 2014 05:22 | LAST COMMENT 480 weeks ago
So I received an email today from a member just chatting about the site and why they like it. They explained that they did not really see it as sexual but that they felt most of the spankings on Straight Lads Spanked were dished out with some kind of love and care. Wether it was from Dad, Older Brother, Uncle or even, dare I say it, Mr X!
They also mentioned that growing up, often the only way that they would receive attention from their Dad was when they were naughty and were getting punished...
This is not the first time someone has says something similar. In fact, another member said that Straight Lads Spanked presented the whole punishment, not just the spanking!
But I have also had members say that they like it because of the masculine models that I used and seeing a big strapping (slightly arrogant) guy like Bailey getting brought down a peg and spanked liked a naughty kid is a real thrill!
So really, I thought I would open it up here and ask, what it is that you like about the site? Is there a particular theme of movies you like more than others?
I do find it all very interesting and useful!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked