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Duration: 22:44 Size: 0.00 MB

Wayne- Caught Red Handed

RELEASED: 21st February 2014

Wayne - Caught Red Handed!

Wayne has been working hard as a window cleaner. 

Wayne made a massive mistake. 

He was caught stealing from a customers house!

Wayne was sent to Mr X the local community spanker to be dealt with.

Mr X does not approve of stealing at all, especially when it is from your own neighbours.

Wayne learns a very hard lesson as he receives a hard over the knee spanking .

However, Mr X has a certain way of dealing with thieves and not only does Wayne get spanked, he also receives a traditional carper beater whacking his already tender bottom!

This sorry spanked straight lad will not be stealing again!

(if you are looking for a gay spanking movies you will be disappointed as Wayne is 100% straight)

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 21st February 11:13
Dang Wayne is so sexy. Loved this movie i hope i will be watching this like i been watching the rock star one. I've seen that 1 like 8 times already lmao. But i see that wayne has some bad habits that he picked up from Dom. lol is looking into the camera but you know Dom & Wayne are too sexy who cares if they are looking into the camera.. :) Great movie i can watch this one over & over also. Awesome jobs all away around ev1. & are you going to see more of my patrick dave?
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 21st February 11:41
Thanks Cami! You know I discovered why the lads look into the camera? It's because I have the view screen pointed towards me so I can see what the camera is recording.... (I wish I could afford a camera operator)! Anyway, the lads look at that screen so they can see when the next 'hit' is going to happen. I finally worked it out! So they have been warned and warned now not to do it! :) Dave

Oh and I'm glad you love this one! What did you think of the carpet beater? I look forward to hearing some more comments! :)
wardcoleman | Voted Video 9/10 | 21st February 14:12
I love the carpet beater, there is something especially humiliating for the boy to be spanked with an household implement like that. I bet it hurts as well!
r1108 | Voted Video 8/10 | 21st February 15:29
Have to say Wayne looked worried, genuinely worried and not "acting" worried even before things started . While I am hoping things were OK with him it did make for a better entry. "Take your chances with the police or take your chances with me"..have to wonder if he was thinking "is there a third option?" As for looking into the camera, that is going to be a hard habit to break; it is just instinct to look at nearby items when they can see movement (the images flashing on the screen). Not sure about the carpet beater..I've seen it before in vids and always thought it a strange implement to use :) I've not seen one up close; what is the material? Is it like a hard strung webbing, like they might use to make webbed seats for chairs or closer to the wicker (US term; not sure if UK uses the same term) you would see in outdoor garden furniture . Still, it looked effective :). Great job by all as usual.
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 21st February 16:01
Hi r1108, I can assure you that Wayne was fine at the start of the movie! :) You are quite right, I think the word wicker describes the cane material. Quite thick. Glad you enjoyed it! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 21st February 16:01
Hi Ward, Wayne assures me that it really does hurt! :)
Rasputin | Voted Video 8/10 | 21st February 20:23
This is a very good video. Wayne is a handsome lad with a nice physique and a firm, round, spankable butt. His response to his spanking was demonstrative and convincing - I believed that he was hurt and humiliated.

Dave, you wanted more comments on the carpet beater. I liked it. It made a nice, swishing sound when applied to bare buttocks. I suspect that a carpet beater would hurt about as much as a bath brush, but not as much as a cane or switch. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Keep up the good work.
Rasputin | Voted Video 8/10 | 21st February 20:25
Oh, one more thing. Who are "Will & Dom"? "I love Will & Dom" is a rather odd tattoo to be on a straight guy's butt. Or did Wayne lose a bet?
jamesy500 | Voted Video 5/10 | 22nd February 00:14
I like it when they look into the camera, it adds a documentary feel and some verisimilitude;
welshboy | Voted Video 9/10 | 23rd February 06:50
I am loving this new film with Wayne. Good story I liked the way Wayne looked the part of a window cleaner, and what great underwear too. The carpet beater was top marks for Wayne's bottom. I do hope we see a lot more from Wayne. He will be a top star here. Dave can you use the carpet beater on Andy and Liem. Now that would be great. Top job for Art too, the film flowed so well.
matt | Voted Video 9/10 | 23rd February 08:20
I love this one. Wayne is super sexy. Great face, great body, and a perfect, PERFECT bottom for spanking. He's totally convincing as an actor and has a great naughty boy look and attitude that just begs for a spanking. More of Wayne, please. Love to see him over Andy's knee. I'd also love to see him spank Dom, Wayne, or Adam. Maybe a clip along the lines of "Stolen Holiday Money". I loved that one because it was the young guys but with a serious scenario, not joking around. So, congrats to you, Dave, Art, and Wayne for another great clip. Can't wait for more.
jamesy500 | Voted Video 5/10 | 24th February 10:23
Further to my previous comment about looking into the camera, I have to add that I hadn't watched this movie when I wrote it ... though I do like those moments ... but I'm going to upset the apple cart and say I didn't enjoy this one so much,.. too vanilla for me .. Wayne got off too lightly for my tastes ... but then I do appreciate these guys are taking things at their own pace and its up to them how much of a spanking they get. Still he is a sexy piece and maybe he'll get the walloping I so wish for him one day. I'm taking a break from SLS for a bit (despite the excellent value I can't afford it at the moment). But keep up the good work! I'll be back.
cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 26th February 08:53
You know dave i have 1 of them hanging from my wall in the kitchen & i never know what that was called. lol. I got it because it looked nice in my kichen. Now i do :P i know that had to hurt wayne cuz it's so thick & has a good weight to it too.. I would not want to get hit with that wayne was very brave for taking those hits.
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 9th March 04:54
haha! Yes it was used for cleaning rugs and carpets. You could take them outside and hang them over a rope/line and then beat all the dust from them!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 9th March 04:59
No worries Jamesy500, hope to see you back someday soon! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 9th March 05:04
Hey Matt, I thought you would like this one! I'm deffo going to do more along the lines of Stolen Holiday Money. I really liked them too! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 9th March 05:06
You know Welshboy, the clothes Wayne had on were his own real life work clothes. He actually sneaked away from work and filmed this in a long lunch break! lol!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 9th March 05:07
Rasputin, Wayne got this done on holiday and yes it was a drunken dare! Will and Dom are his friends...
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 9th March 05:11
Thanks for the feedback on the Carpet Beater Rasputin. Glad you liked it! :)
findjc | Not voted video yet | 13th March 18:35
If I was straight, I wouldn't be betting on something that losing would mean getting I Love" then two guys' names on my butt. I wouldn't want the passes by gay guys in the locker rooms.
Ooleary | Voted Video 9/10 | 10th October 15:45
wow wow wayne good job ,that carpet beater looked nasty. you and bailey have the best butts .
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