Wayne - Bubble Bath Blues
Wayne is one very lazy teenage lad! He only seems to care about himself and is not helping his Dad with the household chores.
Well Dad has had enough!
Wayne come home and disregards the dirty plates in the sink and instead strips off and enjoys a long soak in the bath....
Dad comes home to find the house in a mess and his lazy son fast asleep!
Enough is enough! Dad drags Wayne out of bed and straight across his knee! Wayne can't believe he is getting spanked at his age!
His Dad is mad and gives the lads bottom a good hiding. Wayne thinks it is all over when suddenly is told to get Dad's slipper! He really knows how mad Dad is when he gets the slipper, full force spanked hard on his beefy, bare bottom!
Wayne ends up with a sore bottom and promising to sort himself out!

Now about the the movie Wayne did a great job on his 1st movie. he is sexy & has a nice butt for sure. & he did a great acting job in this movie too.
Art as always awesome job just amazing how you do your movies & graphics.
& Dave, you are just a awesome just coming up with these story's & bring them to life. I just can't say enough about this site. :)

Very, very nice acting by Wayne and Dave both. I like Dad's "we're just a couple of bachelors" approach to housekeeping. Dad was angry but not over the top. I like that Wayne wasn't contrite right away, but gave Dad some attitude at first. It makes seeing him get dragged over Dad's knee much more enjoyable.
Great editing, too Art! I love the split screens because facial expressions are part of what I love, too. I'm so glad we get those.