Sebastian - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Sebastian has been acting very foolishly, 'borrowing' his fathers laptop and taking it to the Pawn Shop to get some extra cash.
Well Sebastian was not as clever as he thought he was and he has been found out!
Dad is not happy at all and decides that punishment is called for.
Sebastian is told to wait in his bedroom until his father gets gets home.
Even that is humiliating for a headstrong young man!
What happens next is a very long and hard belt lashing! Sebastian screams in pain as his Dad's belt comes lashing down.
Real - Hard - Punishment
""""More from Producer Dave........ this was an interesting film for me to make. I had previously filmed all the Real Punishment movies with Sebastian. These Real Punishment movies were astounding for me to make as Sebastian was just getting deeper in trouble in his own real life and I was able to turn this into real life spankings.
One thing that came across to me is that Sebastian has been somewhat spoiled in life and has had little discipline from his parents. So I guess I wanted to see that situation resolved and this is where the lines of real life and fantasy become blurred....
So the set-up and the reason for the punishment in this movie are real... but of course, I played his Dad which is not real. But it was really satisfying to continue Sebastian's story to a natural conclusion where his father finally takes control and dishes out appropriate punishment. Of course, that never happened in real life but in this movie, hopefully you get a taste of how it could have happened"""

I always thought it would take a miracle to keep Sebastian's dad from finding out what he had been up to, and just told chiki, off forum, that this would be a natural conclusion to Sebastian's issues. The forgetting the pawn shop receipt in the laptop case was perfect :) and follows on to Sebastian's rather poor decisions.
I did notice that Sebastian still seemed a bit defiant there. Am guessing dad may need to reinforce things a bit..sorry Sebastian :)
Well done to all.

There's a lot to love about this one indeed! I like the natural flow into fantasy from his Real Punishment videos, and as Lynne said the receipt was a perfect foil. I think Sebastian's attitude and the Dad/son dynamic presented here worked really well for Sebastian's age and background of never having been spanked before. I also love that Dave set it up for future videos by letting Sebastian know that he was going to be more closely monitored and punished thusly for misbehavior (BRILLIANT! More Sebastian? Yes, please!)
I love how Dave throws in small details to make things more realistic and pull us into the story (verisimilitude) such as the line about Sebastian's little brother hearing him yell while being spanked.
I'm digging Dad's casual attire, love the outfit, much more than the suits, looked great!
That is the first time I have ever heard Sebastian curse, I wasn't expecting it. Also, I think in every one of his movies, Sebastian has lint in his hair at some point.
@Lynne, I don't know if this is helpful, but I believe that is Sebastian's No Way Out sweater.
Just one point of contention: When the model begins in the nude there is a lost opportunity to create that mini power-play to keep the shorts up, and I love that it isn't always the same. Some fight tooth and nail, some submit, some whine ("what if Mom comes in?") But when that part is absent, I really miss it! Its like an aching void in my fragile little girly heart, Dave.
Anyway, I can't vote yet because The Butch needs the laptop tonight. Something about paying bills. Pft. As if that could be more important than SLS. Whatevs.

I honestly don't remember honestly swearing before. I always remember his tag line being "oh, dear!" If he *was* swearing in the first movie and managed to keep it under control this whole time, I would venture to say that would be a real life case of lesson learned at the "hand" of Mr. X (forgive the pun.)
You know, that's kinda *HAWT*