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Alex - Real Punishment - Bad Attitude
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Wayne - Bath Brush Beating
Tommy - Bubble Bath Blues
Spencer - Spanked For Speeding
Ryan - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Duration: 22:58 Size: 0.00 MB

Paddle Dare - Part Two - Andy Lee & Jay

RELEASED: 23rd January 2014

Paddle Dare - Part Two - Andy Lee & Jay

This movie follows on several days after Paddle Dare - Part One which you can still download for free here!

Mr X is not a man to be messed with and if naughty lads Andy Lee and his pal Jay think they can get away with breaking into his house then they have severely underestimated the local community spanker!

Mr X summins both sorry lads and when confronted with evidence that they can't deny they are given a stark choice.

Receive a sever spanking and caning from Mr X or face the police!

The lads reluctantly accept their punishment!

What follows is a no-nonsense spanking and that is only the beginning of the lads ordeal!

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
Rasputin | Voted Video 9/10 | 24th January 05:45
Wonderful video. I would have given it a "10" rating if Andy & Jay had been wearing skimpier briefs.
Both Andy & Jay gave fine performances - lots of believable kicking, squirming, swearing, grimacing, etc.

Well done!
r1108 | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th January 06:12
First...cruel, cruel to make us wait for yet another part :) The dialog was terrific and funny...nothing like trying to get out of a hole at the same time that same hole is getting deeper. Mr X got tough in this one with the extras; have thought many times he was too patient with the breaks in position. Andy and Jay did beautifully with the whole thing with their bickering back and forth and attempts at bargaining with Mr X for a lighter sentence, which both knew had to be a losing battle. Given Art's abilities with editing I don't think I saw more than maybe one break/change in the video...was this shot nearly in a single take? As an aside, I still can't make out what Andy said even after several run throughs...I heard "Karl" and then the rest is indecipherable to my unpracticed American ears :)
DrWyatt | Voted Video 9/10 | 24th January 06:41
This was excellent, can't wait for next instalment
cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th January 08:59
LMAO, Jay was so funny when he was not getting spanked in the back round. & Andy took his spanking very well but for jay lol he can clown around when he is not getting spanked but when he does get spanked he can't handle it.. Thank you MR.X for using your hand to cover jays mouth . I love this one i can watch it again & cracked up on jay just being silly.. Job well done & for jay & andy for me giving Dave an idea for MR.X all i have to say is ( oops ) lol but your guys got was coming to you :) ... & Art you out did yourself again in this movie :) .. Going to watch this one again.. & can't wait until pt 3
r1108 | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th January 11:23
Mr X needs to better develop his peripheral vision in order to capture the background antics :)
lorilee | Voted Video 9/10 | 24th January 16:18
Thanks for the show, was worth the wait. Happy to see an angry Mr. X great job thanks .
r1108 | Voted Video 10/10 | 25th January 15:01
Mr X did seem a bit more ticked than normal but he did almost laugh at one point when Andy tried to stuff Jay's mouth with that sock. Mr X looked particularly less patient as well throughout the entire episode. Part 3 should be very interesting.
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 27th January 03:54
Hey Rasputin, I'm pleased you liked this movie. :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 27th January 03:56
Hi R1108, yes from what I remember this was pretty much shot in one take. The only pauses were really me telling the lads to behave themselves and stop messing around! lol!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 27th January 03:57
Oh and I can tell you r1108 that Part Three will be very painful as well as interesting!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 27th January 03:59
Hey LoriLee! Yes Mr X was very angry indeed! He gets even meaner in Part Three!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 27th January 04:00
Oh and yes r1108, Jay did seem to get away with quite a lot of nonsense in the background!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 27th January 04:01
Really glad you enjoyed this one Cami and yes, Mr X had to do something to keep Jay quiet! You are also right in saying that Jay genuinely struggles to take the spanking! That is not acting you are seeing, he really struggles to deal with it!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 27th January 04:03
Glad you enjoyed it DrWyatt, Part Three will be coming along fairly soon!
matt | Voted Video 9/10 | 27th January 13:28
Anything with Andy is great in my book. He's such a good
actor, so relaxed and natural, with amazing instincts
about whatever he's playing. And he's SO hot. Great,
mischievous face and super hot body with a perfect
butt. I love seeing him spank the younger guys on
the site but it's also great to see him treated like
the naughty boy he is and get spanked over Mr.
X's knee. Jay is sexy, too. I love seeing the two boys
get such a no-nonsense spanking. Love this one. Great
job Mr. X, Andy, Jay, and of course Art.
matt | Voted Video 9/10 | 27th January 13:31
P.S. I was trying to give this 9 stars and somehow
entered 7 on my tiny iPhone keyboard. Can you
change the rating? I hate to see this video get
short changed. Thanks. *********!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 27th January 13:47
Hi Matt, thanks for the lovely comments! You can change the rating. Go onto to the page and underneath the word rating it says 'Reset Vote" it may not be very clear but it is there. If you hit that button and then leave the movie page and re enter you can vote again! I hope that helps! Dave
welshboy | Voted Video 9/10 | 30th January 08:04
Two of my favorite guys getting spanked what more could you ask for. Andy as always was a true star, love the adlib of putting the sock in Jay's mouth. As for Jay he did come into his own on the film. Loved the messing about in the background, it's a shame he has moved on.loved the underwear of both boys. The story worked out so well and I loved how both boys played of each other, well done to both guys and to you Dave and Art. Looking forward to part three.
rm7guy | Voted Video 10/10 | 17th February 04:19
Jay has moved on??? Noooo, say it isn't true :(
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 17th February 11:48
Hey! No panic! No reason why I won't be working with Jay again. Any suggestions?
rm7guy | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd February 18:41
I'd love to see Jay get the bath brush, but with all the wriggling from a hand spanking I think that is a long way off yet. I think maybe a paddle next
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 9th March 05:02
You are correct rm7guy, I'm not sure Jay will be able to take the bath brush! Maybe not ever!
Ooleary | Voted Video 8/10 | 30th August 03:56
Andy great as always , loved the banter between the lads , love Mr X when he's really angry and takes no bullshit from the lads and really spanks hard but OMG Jay really gets on my nerves Mr X should have got Andy to hold Jay's legs , so funny when Andy stuffed his mouth ,if he reacts like that to a little hand spanking what's going to happen when the cane bites
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