This movie is available as a free download to everyone by clicking here!
Andy Lee and Jay have been caught misbehaving! They decided to break into Coach Bailey's office and cause some mischief! So the lads find themselves sent for punishment. Mr X though decides to go easy on the lads as he was aware that they never really caused any damage and were just in high spirits. So the lads get off with a short, sharp OTK spanking!
Later that day the naughty lads actually break into Mr X's apartment. They both like the same girl and decide to have a competition to see who gets to ask her out. The competition is all about which lad can take the most strokes from Mr X's leather paddle!
The battle commences with both lads stripped down to their speedos. What follows is some seriously hard paddling as neither lad wants to back down first!
"""""More from Mr X......."So this movie is really down to my awesome editor Art. Let me explain. I had two different bits of footage shot with Andy & Jay. The sequence with the Mr X spanking and also the stuff with the paddle. I had intended to use the footage in a different way but for various reasons my plan was never going to work....... I knew there was some nice footage there though and I felt it was a shame for it not to be viewed. So I sent it to my editor Art and he worked his magic and made this movie from it. I am so pleased as it just works and now you all get to see Andy and Jay in their speedos having a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy it!""""""""

It was lots of fun watching Andy & Jay get spanked in those tight, skimpy Speedos. Briefs that are cut and shaped like a Speedo are my favorite kind of underwear. Andy & Jay seemed to enjoy themselves, too.

This one was magnificent. Their reactions to being paddled by each other were hysterical and sexy. Both really wanted to get the girl, but in the end only one pair of butt cheeks can remain! Loved the sight at the very end too, of the two butt naked, red assed beefy guys hastily fleeing the scene before discovery. x3


Well done Art, a really great video