Bedtime Spanking
Quit Smoking
Liam is struggling to give up the cigarets. His father discovers that Liam has been smoking again!
The problem is, Liam genuinely wants to quit smoking. He realises it is bad for him.
Dad decides that in order to help him quit then a deterrent is needed! Liam is told that every night he comes home smelling of tobacco he will get spanked! Dad decides to give Liam an example of exactly what that spanking will feel like!
Liam gets told to get out of bed and across his fathers knee. He is only wearing his flimsy night clothes. That soon gets pulled down though and his father spanks his bare bottom!
"More from Producer Dave. For a while I have been wanting to do a simpler, father/son bedtime spanking thyta was more about care and less about Dad being really angry. Having Liam back seemed the perfect opportunity. In fact, in many ways I wanted to recreate some of the feel of Liam's previous Bedtime Spanking. I hope you enjoy my efforts!""