Old Fashioned Spanking
Sometimes a lad just needs an old-fashioned spanking! Sometimes there isn't really anything left to say. Sometimes Dad has to step up and do what is required to discipline his son.
Karl has messed up. Big time! He is due a proper spanking. It's been long over due. Karl is completely resigned to his fate. Dad has a job to do.
This spanking video starts from Dad entering the room and does not finish until he has dished out a thorough spanking! There is minimal dialogue or story. Instead we get to see a proper spanking given to a very deserving young lad,
This spanking movie was filmed in one take from beginning to end. There were no gaps in the spanking. The spanking was very real and hard. What you are seeing is a real old-fashioned spanking!
This spanking video also contains an interview with Karl.