Jay & Scott
Failed Substance Test
Part One
Jay has taken up martial arts and is really good at it. In fact, he has been selected by the coach to enter a competition with his mate Scott.
Training has been going well. In fact, a little too well! The coach is suspicious about the lads sudden improved performance.
He orders a private substance testing kit and is dismayed when both lads prove positive for banned enhancement substances.
If the lads were to get caught with this during the competition it would have serious repercussions.
The coach decides the lads need to learn a serious lesson and he sends them off to visit the local spanker, Mr X!
Scott has never been before and is in for a shock when he finds out that a spanking is going to be dished out.
For two straight friends getting spanked in front of each other is just embarrassing!
Especially as they are forced to strip off naked in front of each other!
Jay and Scott are spanked hard, bare bottom over the knee!

Jay sure is looking good, thinned down quit a bit, but as cute as ever. still just as cheeky as ever as well, I don't think that will ever change, Dave, but keep trying, if for no other reason than movie enjoyment! lol
New model Scott looks great! beefy bod, nice tush.
Great new movie Dave, thanks
Good job Jay, Scott, and Art- love your work here
Dave, as always, your the best!

I was amazed at Jay's transformation. He's really slimmed down. I liked his cheeky, defiant attitude. I did notice that his performance , although still good, was not quite as demonstrative as in the past - not as much squirming, kicking, grimacing, grunting, yelling, etc. I hope that Jay becomes his old demonstrative self when the punishment becomes even more severe in Part 2.
Good-looking, athletic Scott made an impressive debut. He was just as cheeky and defiant as Jay, and he gave a solid, demonstrative performance over Mr. X's knee.
Dave, you might be getting tired of hearing this, but I'll say it again. If Jay and Scott had been wearing tight-fitting, skimpy, European-cut briefs or speedos instead of their boxer briefs during their spankings, I would have given this video a "10 out of 10" rating.

First, comments from The Butch:
"Wow, Jay's sack is really huge!" (she has a bizarre fascination with junk)
"What? How could Dave end it there? I want to see Jay get his ass beat, he needs his ass beat for that attitude!" (this from someone just watching to keep me company. She admitted that the more she watches the more involved she gets with the characters and storylines and that she is really enjoying SLS. YES! HOOKED!)
As everyone agrees, I think Jay looks phenomenal, he's a beautiful boy, and Scott, if he decides to stay and once the giggles die down, will make an interesting addition to SLS, I like him, but I like everybody.
I say I liked this film reluctantly because Jay used to really bother me. I thought all his extreme antics in the background made a mockery of the film Dave was trying to make and in turn, mocked the genre in whole. By association, he was belittling the audience, and it made me feel embarrassed. I thought maybe Jay was uncomfortable with working in the MM spanking genre (highly doubtful) and the antics were his form of male posturing or the equivalent of nervous giggles. I tried every way to justify it but I still wanted to smack him in the smush.
Then I was counseled by a very wise and patient man who said that not all people are going to be immediately submissive in the presence of Mr. X, and reminded me what a boring world it would be if everybody reacted exactly the same. This man also reminded me what fun it is to watch Mr. X doing his job so we can witness the transformation from cocky ass-hat douche-nozzle (my name, not his) to contrite and subdued.
So, with that shift in perspective I was able to watch this video without the usual fantasies of violence toward Jay and it was actually quite fun! I'm looking forward to Part Two and hope we can take Jay and Scott all the way to contrite and subdued (its a long trip.)
I have to say the look on Jay's face in the last scene scene as the movie freezes for ending credits is perfect and priceless!

I really am a loving, gentle person, that was all just fantasy on the inside...


I got the feeling at times, due to the verbiage and also due to Dave's occasional attempt to hide smiles, that it wasn't so much a Mr X dealing with "Jay" as it was Dave having a good time with Jay. Agreed Jay is looking much better; the new look suits him very well and Scott did well for first time jitters. I am sure it feels very strange to have to act out something when you find the whole situation funny in and of itself :) Scott just needs more "game face" practice. Jay is Jay :) and the beginning antics are sure to continue but as Chiki also indicated, part of the draw here is watching the transformation from the playful, not taking things seriously to 'I swear I will never do it again,' attitude. From the stills at the end of the vid I am guessing the paddle was successful.....
Am guessing the paddle will be doing some of that transforming in Part 2 :) but hopefully it didn't, or doesn't, scare Scott off...that is a tough implement to be using on a first time introduction.

I understand that, in these kinds of films, the boys do touch themselves occasionally. I have no problem with that. It's what young guys do. But when Mr. X tells a guy to "stand at peace" then he should do it. Otherwise, it turns the proceedings into a farce. Hopefully, the paddling they're going to get in Part 2 will straighten both of them out.
I've spent a lot of time talking about Jay but I think Scott did a very nice job for a first time. The nervous giggling was cute up to a point, but it quickly got out of hand. I enjoy the natural reactions of friends seeing each other spanked for the first time, but I felt both guys played it up a bit. I hope Scott comes back. He has such a sweet face and will get nothing but better.
I'm a bit all over the place here because there were things I liked about it and things I didn't like. As I said before, I don't dislike any of the guys here. They all have different personalities and there will be some I like more than others. But it was good to see Jay finally, all that carrying on aside.