Old Fashioned Spanking
Jason has really messed up and Dad is furious. The time for arguing and lecturing has passed. Now is the time for punishment. Jason is just 18 years old and knows he is in deep trouble. You can see it on his face as he is waiting for Dad to come. His father has nothing left to say to him and orders him over his knee. What happens next is a non-stop, thorough spanking. It really is relentless and there is nothing that Jason can do other than try and endure it. His shorts and pants come down and Jason gets spanked hard on his bare bottom. Spanked to tears!
"""More from Producer Dave. Sometimes the hardest job for me when running this website is being aware of the movies that are coming up and not being able to tell you! I have been soo excited for you all to meet Jason. Jason only turned 18 a few months ago and even though he still has that baby face he has a maturity that exceeds his years. I wont say much more are you will get to hear from Jason himself in the interview that follows this movie. Please leave your comments below and let me know if you would like to see more from Jason?""