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Duration: 18:58 Size: 0.00 MB

Dean - Graffiti Artist Spanked

RELEASED: 13th November 2014

Dean - Graffiti Artist Spanked

Dean has been hanging around with Billy and has been caught spraying Graffiti around the estate!

The residents are not happy and Dean gets sent to be punished by Mr X

Dean has been told by Billy exactly what happens and Dean is terrified

He arrives nervous and very, very sorry. 

Dean knows he is in for a tough, humiliating spanking. 

Mr X can see the lad is nervous but that does not mean he wont get properly punished.

Dean certainly feels every single spank that lands on his bottom.


""More from producer Dave. With this movie I wanted to try a slightly different angle and have the lad knowing exactly what is going to happen to him and just being nervous, scared and sorry. I hope you agree that Dean pulled this off brilliantly""

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 13th November 08:37
i woke this morning wondering what was in store for today and here you are, looking forward to this one i have not seen Dean before, a victim of whom i wonder Andy Oliver or just a new face round the block
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 13th November 08:56
OK, let's see here:
Great with dialogue? check
Cute guy with ink? check
Cute bottom that colors nicely? check
Fabulous chemistry with Dave? check
Adorable facial expressions? check
Pants pulled down to the thighs? check

Yep, this one ticks almost every box for me. Dean is fantastic! Besides really nailing the dialogue and having that sorry lad look down pat, I could actually understand him LOL. I've been looking forward to seeing Dean ever since I saw his pic on Twitter. I also love it when there's a continuation of an older storyline. Even though the spanking wasn't particularly hard, that wasn't the point. Dean was already nervous and sorry, to spank him harder would have just been a sign of meanness. I loved this one! It struck a nice balance with Mr. X knowing the guy was already sorry and scared but having a job to do. I'll watch this one a lot, I think.
MJM | Voted Video 10/10 | 13th November 11:24
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 13th November 12:21
@MJM, don't forget to vote!
Ooleary | Voted Video 9/10 | 13th November 12:41
Wow another
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 13th November 12:43
Another what Ooleary?
Ooleary | Voted Video 9/10 | 13th November 12:47
Wow Dave you've found another great new victim i echo everything @cheryl said nervous, sorry, dialogue, reactions and cute he also reminded me alot of James the college lad , with a pinch of Harry and Dom .Yeah more Dean please .
Ooleary | Voted Video 9/10 | 13th November 15:51
I've watched this movie a couple more times i love it when Mr.X tells him to take a deep breath , i love when Deans shoulders are shaking when he's otk and love at the end when he's standing with his hands on his head and he's shaking his little ass to get the pain out .He's a keeper .
uchikimatsu | Not voted video yet | 13th November 16:13
Dear Dave,

Kindly stop whatever you are doing right at this moment, go find Dean immediately, bring him back to your apartment and make more movies!


p.s. PLEASE!
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 13th November 16:31
just watched this movie what a really nice mannerly young guy, he can come round and graffiti my walls any day, i thought he wasnt going to get through this you really are tough Mr X, well done both of you what a really great movie and it turns out we have Bailey to thank for this, this was a nice surprise
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 13th November 16:32
@Orla, I thought poor Dean was going to hyperventilate for a second or two. And yes, I love the bottom wiggling, like he's trying to shake the pain out. I also love it that he's not ashamed to rub his bottom.

@Chiki, somehow, I knew you would love this one :D What a sweetie Dean is.
Aimee | Voted Video 10/10 | 13th November 16:42
Wow! I have to say Dean is fantastic! And as you would know from previous comments from me, it tends to take me a little while to get used to a new model and warm to him. I loved Dean from the get go! Very natural in front of the camera. Extremely impressed. Really like him. Very much looking forward to seeing more from this guy. If this is what he's like in a first movie just imagine him after he has done a few. Loved it and liked this new angle too Dave. Great job!

Art, as always! **salutes your awesomeness**
uchikimatsu | Not voted video yet | 13th November 17:02
@Cheryl - I hope I'm not killing some of the magic, but I do believe that Dave directs the models to rub their bottom when he releases them from hands on their heads. It is one very distinguishable pattern that is present throughout all the Mr. X clips. I find it rather more exciting when they are doing it at other times, like while being lectured, very casually as if it is a subconscious gesture.

In the Director's Notes Dave states that he wanted to try something different, so I imagine the sorry, scared, humble lad is not necessarily the natural personality of Dean, but more of Dave's directing during the shoot. Even so, if its established that this is now his SLSville character, I want more, and most especially in a domestic setting. That kind of attitude would be an easy seguey into a non-dilemma spanking by Dad, uncle, step-dad, etc. or even by another lad! YES YES YES YES!

::::wondering if @Domfan is in love again::::
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 14th November 01:08
oops not Bailey but Billy you know i just could not get the connection for Bailey but heard it wrong
welshboy | Voted Video 8/10 | 14th November 03:36
I did fell so sorry for Dean. I loved the whole story, and the way Dean came over was just right. Those puppy dog eyes were a dream, and the way he saig sorry all the time was cute. I do hope Dean does come back as he will fit right in here as one of the Straightladsspanked family. Art top draw again and Dave keep them rolling.
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 14th November 07:53
@Chiki, I've thought about that, too. I do realize that the bottom rubbing at the end is probably direction from Dave. But he did rub it at other times, almost looking as if he's trying not to get caught doing it, which made it even nicer for me. I would also imagine it doesn't take much "direction" to get them to do it, even when he asks them to because I'm sure they feel sore when it's all over LOL.

My favorites are the ones where the guy rubs his bottom while he's OTK. I've seen both Bailey and Liam do this and it never fails to get a smile out of me. I also like it when a guy does it at the end, while Dave is still talking to him at the end (Jay does this a lot).

I liked the fact that Dean knew what to expect from the start. I think that's a much more realistic scenario than believing there's a guy who acts as the community punisher, but they have no clue what he does.
uchikimatsu | Not voted video yet | 14th November 11:31
I agree on all points here. Liam is the most endearing to me when he is rubbing his bottom because he uses my technique which is to rub with the back of the hands instead of the palms. During a vigorous spanking it's likely that the punished person will work up a sweat. If you rub your sweaty palms over a raw bottom the salt will BURN, and also be sticky and tug instead of being a smooth, soothing action.
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 14th November 16:03
@Chiki, I noticed he does that, too. It might interest you to know that that is my technique, too :-)
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