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Duration: 14.10 Size: 0.00 MB

Brother in Charge - Part Two - Andy & Dan

RELEASED: 28th August 2013

Brother In Charge - Part Two - Andy & Dan

Dan Lee comes home after a busy day. All this 18 year old lad wants to do is have a shower and get to bed. 

So like most teenagers he does not care about where he leaves his clothes and strips off in the hall and gets into the shower.

Squeaky clean, Dan gets into bed.

Mum and Dad are no longer around. Big brother Andy is trying hard to keep his brothers in line. After a hard day's work Andy comes home and starts clearing up after his young brother.

Andy discovers something in Dan's pockets that fills him with rage!

It seems like young Dan has been influenced by big brother Patrick and is also selling illegal substances.

Young Dan is rudely awoken by his angry brother and is given a stern lecture. Andy ask Dan the dreaded question.

"What Would Dad Do If He Was Here?"

Dan understands what is coming next and gets dragged across his brothers lap and gets his bottom soundly spanked!

Andy decides that Dad would also have used his slipper so he sends his younger brother to fetch it from Dad's study.

Dan really struggles to take the punishment that his furious big brother dishes out!

It's tough for Andy as he cares for his little brother but feels that sometimes tough love is needed.

Dan is left soothing a very sore, red bottom!

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 29th August 09:11
Lol it looks like andy was having little fun spanking dan. But i must say dan did a great job & these Lee Brothers sure can take a licking that is for sure... Loved the movie i loved Dan"s voice. & he is a good looking just like his brothers. :) better look out my Patrick & Andy , little bro is coming up strong. lol

& Art you are just getting better & better that was awesome with the movie & credits on the end :)

cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 29th August 09:11
sp into the movie forgot to vote :P
welshboy | Voted Video 9/10 | 29th August 10:21
Well done to Dan for a great first video, loved the fallow on story to Patrick's spanking. Andy a great peace of acting again. Good use of the slipper on Dan's bottom which turned a nice shade of red. Dave it's going to great to see where this story line goes.
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 29th August 10:57
Glad you enjoyed it Welshboy and I hope Dan was worth waiting for? As for what happens next? Well.......................
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 29th August 10:58
Oh glad you loved it Cami. I bet Patrick and Andy will be worried that the younger version takes over and wins your affections! Ha!
Art | Not voted video yet | 29th August 19:32
You always make me feel good, Cami
cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 30th August 08:15
@ Dave Lol they sure do dave, Andy & my Patrick needs to look out. lol cuz Dan did a great job in this movie. You said before patrick & andy are like to out do each other in these movies now they have little brother lol. something about dan i just like about him. :)

@ Art, every time when a new movie is up on fridays i can't wait to see what's next with the movie to see what you are going to do next. & with dave to see what story line he has next. I just love this site...
tinhead1 | Voted Video 10/10 | 31st August 03:39
I think Andy must have got out of the wrong side of bed that morning - that was one hell of a stingy slippering. Awesome! Jumps up into my top 5 ;o)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 31st August 03:49
awww! Cami you sauy such kind things and it is always appreciated! I'm so glad you enjoy our work! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 31st August 03:50
It was a hard slippering! I do think though that Dan needed to learn that lesson. As painful as it may have been!
David | Not voted video yet | 8th October 10:32
I love the bad boy look Dan has, would like to see him get a hard spanking with the bath brush from Mr X or a caning on his birthday!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 13th October 08:19
I think the bath brush might possibly break him! lol!
jockbud | Not voted video yet | 28th October 17:02
Great movie, awesome slippering at end. Have to say id like to see the briefs being taken completely off. I think spankees should end up completely naked. This spanker is incredible, i would love to be spanked by him ;-)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 30th October 01:04
Well that spanker is of course Andy Lee! You can see him spanking in lots more movies on here. Check out the The Uncle Andrew Spanks Naughty Nephew Lee Movie! :)
[email protected] | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd August 19:01
Dan is so adorable just like my little Karl want to cuddle him but boy did Andy redden his little ass and totally deserved Don't Deal/Take Drugs.Loved it at the end when he said he loved him and patted his head so sweet [i know it's such a girlie thing to say but hey i.m a girl] lol
Cherylkay | Voted Video 10/10 | 26th September 15:21
I watched this one with some trepidation. I had watched the preview and seen the stills and it seemed like Andy really took it to Dan in a major way. The one thing I really love is the size difference between the two. Dan looked like a mere child over Andy's knee and that was very appealing to me. I love the bop on the head with the slipper (something probably designed to say "use your head!"). It's probably only something a big brother would do. I also love how Andy put Dan back on the bed after the spanking. That was a nice show of strength and then, after that, we get the "I love you." Very, very well done. I had a little tear watching this one.

Under the circumstances, I thought Andy gave a nice, restrained performance here. He could have done a lot of yelling and shouting, but he didn't. He did, however, give Dan one heck of a hard spanking. His little bottom was so red afterward I thought it looked like you might be able to fry an egg on it LOL. Dan is very OK with his body being displayed and I enjoyed that. I have some exhibitionist in me as well and I think he enjoyed having the camera ogling him in the shower. He has beautiful eyes as well and it's kind of hard to take your eyes off them.

I haven't watched the other "Brother In Charge" videos, but will get around to them, I'm sure. I'm just a little overwhelmed right now LOL.
red1967 | Voted Video 10/10 | 25th October 16:38
An other wonderful lee brother movie Dan and Andy you where grate. Andy You gave your little brothers a very sore bottom lol. To me Andy looked like he was trying to get a real message through to Dan about his life but that what big brothers do I know mine still look out for me even at my age lol Thanks Dave and Art one of my Fav movies
red1967 | Voted Video 10/10 | 25th October 16:39
lol sorry forgot to vote
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