2nd May 2014 12:45 | LAST COMMENT 512 weeks ago
One conversation I have time and time again is whether or not I produce gay spanking movies. I had it again when I went home for Christmas and was discussing Straight Lads Spanked with my brother and he kept on referring to it as my gay website.
I tried to explain to him that it's not a gay website and I am not producing gay spanking videos but I am simply producing spanking movies. Or to be exact, mm spanking movies.
It's an interesting one when it comes to fetishes. I think in many ways having a fetish does not represent your sexuality. I know for example that there are many women who are members of the website. I am fairly certain that there are also men who identify as being straight that also enjoy mm spanking movies. If there are, maybe you could say hello here?
I also realised though that if you are searching online for mm spanking movies it is probably normal that you would put "gay spanking movies" into the search engine.
Anyway, i realise it does not matter in the big scheme of things and I personally have an issue with people feeling the need to have to fit into a category. We should all be free to enjoy whatever we like without labelling!
I think there are movies out there that very much could fit into the category of gay spanking videos, where you have two guys that are having intimate, enjoyable sexual spanking scenarios.
I'm not sure the lads on my site find the spanking scenarios at all intimate sexual or enjoyable! lol!