30th May 2014 08:35
Hey Everyone!
First of all thanks to everyone who commented on this latest movie featuring the return of Bailey!
I have read all the comments! There are so many of them that rather than responding to them all individually, I wanted to give my own thoughts about the story behind this movie.
This was a tricky one for me as I have some very strict rules about each of my movies. In fact I have a bit of OCD about it. I'm not sure if I've mentioned that I am also a fan of the show Dr Who and you have no idea how crazy the fans are about things being 'canon' and all fitting in and making sense.
Ok, so these rules I have are mainly this.
The motive for the person dishing out the spanking is never sexual. It is purely about punishment.
The person getting spanked is never wanting it to happened for a sexual thrill. They are being punished and get no pleasure from it.
The spanking is never forced, which means the person being spanked always has an option. (For example, take the spanking or get kicked out of the football team)
There are more rules I'm sure but these are the main ones....
Now you could argue that the rules have been broken in some of the movies. For example, in the Prison Punishment movies we never really saw the prisoner have a choice in getting spanked or not. However, as a fun experimentation of trying something different I was ok with that. For all we know, the prisoner could have been given the choice of accepting the beating or having another 10 years added to his sentence.
In Ben & Karl - The Humiliation Karl clearly never deserve to be spanked by Ben, however we all saw Ben get punished for that so I felt that was ok.
The we had Bailey Bullies Apprentice where Billy did not deserve his spanking either, but again. We got to see Bailey being punished for that.
So yes, there has been some previous examples, but I guess in all of them we instantly got to see the situation resolved in a satisfactorily way.
Which leads us on to Coach Bailey. Ok so lets talk about the Consequences of Cheating. This was definitely one of the severest punishments I have ever filmed (other than the Real Punishments) and in my mind, even though Karl had misbehaved, I felt the spanking bordered on being overly harsh. I think Bailey was so close to over-stepping the mark.
Now in this new movie Coach Rules Hard we get to see, in my mind, Coach Bailey slowly unravelling. In my own world, he is losing his touch as the coach and is taking out his own frustrations, unfairly on the swimmers. Maybe his methods are old fashioned and Bailey refuses to keep up with the latest thoughts on training. So he is taking out his frustration on the lads.
So yes, this was difficult for me as there was no way Dom deserved that punishment. Being a few seconds late when he is coming straight from college is perfectly reasonable...
So this also leads us onto the realisation that Bailey is not allowed to dish out Corporal Punishment. Well I know some of you are confused about this and that it is confusing tor the lovely SLS world where punishments can still be dished out by Dad, teacher, coach or boss.
Well let me try and explain how I have always seen it and hopefully this will put your mind at rest.
So yes, SLS is set in a modern world so of course the coach has never been allowed to dish out punishment in any of my movies. However, there has always been an understanding between the lads and the parents that they all respected the coach and if he decided that punishment was due then everyone accepted it and nobody would ever complain. In the SLS world even the local Policeman would turn a blind eye to it as long as it was fair and reasonable.
So don't worry, the Coach can still spank the lads, Dad's can still dish out discipline and of course, if all else fails the community has Mr X to fall back on!
So I guess what makes this movie really different form others in that it has not been resolved. Dom had to endure that hard spanking and Coach Bailey got away with it........
For now!
PS I know this will be a little tricky but I would appreciate it if you could keep general comments about the Coach Rules Hard movie to the movie thread here. Feel free to respoond to this subject here though. I know things might get a little mixed up, which of course is fine!