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Duration: 18:33 Size: 0.00 MB

Wayne & Adam - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home - Part Two

RELEASED: 5th September 2014

Wayne & Adam - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 

Part Two

This movie follows on directly from....

Part One

Wayne and Adam are not having a good day! They have already been spanked by Adam's Dad and now they are waiting for him to return and receive a belting!

They day seems like a week as the sorry lads await their fate.

Dad eventually gets home and wastes no time in lashing their bottoms with his belt.

It goes from bad to worse though as Dad then tells the lads to remove their underwear!

It's a sight to behold as both lads are naked, lying next to each other on the bed as the belt comes lashing down on their already, sore, red bottoms!

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 5th September 08:41
i take it the laptop is fixed, looking forward to this movie although it would have been nice to see Fred back
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 5th September 08:59
It is fixed, thanks for asking. And you will get to see Fred in just two weeks from now! :)
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 5th September 11:09
fab movie cant help but think Adam got off a little lightly after fessing up to Dad that he bought the drugs, that little twist at the end when Dad said Adam you are getting 12 more i thought oft thats deffo for the drugs,the funny bit was when Adam said 5, sure it was, great movie guys and Dad was great as well, well done another fab movie and it worked well both boys getting punished at the same time
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 5th September 11:10
so looking forward to the return of Fred thanks for that
kristi | Voted Video 9/10 | 5th September 11:25
I really enjoyed this one a lot, it may even be in my top five favies! Maybe dad should punish his sons friends more often, it makes for a great movie!

The boys reactions were really great. The look on Wayne's face when dad would walk around to his side of the bed, also he was wincing as he heard the strokes Adam was receiving, makes ya almost feel bad for them.....almost.
Both of the lads bums had quit a bit of abuse, however, poor Adam looks as though he may be bruised for a while.
Good job, this was a great film, Wayne and Adam, you looked fantastic, Art, great job, love your work.
Dave, as always , your the best!
give daisy some puppy love for me!
Lynne | Voted Video 9/10 | 5th September 17:50
Hmmm...Dad was harder on Wayne and gave him three strokes more than Adam.

I had to laugh at the start of this. The clock for the vid was showing 5 but the clock on the wall to the right of the door was showing 3:45 :).

This was the well expected Part II; I wasn't sure either of them were going to make it through; there was a lot of struggling going on there. I had said it earlier that it took guts for these two to go through with this vid the same day as the spanking competition.

Well done to all as usual :)
Art | Not voted video yet | 5th September 20:32
Very observant, Lynne. I did notice the clock discrepancy when I was editing. I guess we can only assume that the clock on the wall was wrong. What other explanation could there possibly be? :-)
Thanks kristi, really glad you like my work.
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 6th September 03:22
there was a strange dark figure lurking at the end of the movie leaning against the wall, its my day off you see and just watched it again lol, i should be doing house work and cutting the grass but the choices i have on a day off are just too many
Ooleary | Voted Video 8/10 | 6th September 04:50
Great movie watched it 5 times this morn 1.just watched it on whole watch Adams reactions to his belting watch Adams reactions to Waynes belting watch Waynes reactions to his belting 5. To watch Waynes reactions to Adam's belting. Poor Wayne he defo got it worse than Adam he was so close to tears. I agree with @kristi Dad should punish more of Adams friends
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 9/10 | 6th September 13:52
Hi, can someone please tell me what dave says to wayne around 15:48 during wayne's 12 count, between the 4th and 5th stroke? thank you for your help!
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 6th September 16:31
But damn how long do I have to wait for Parker?
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 6th September 16:31
Although Wayne's balls and hole are a nice distraction
Ooleary | Voted Video 8/10 | 7th September 04:11
@chiki sounds like he's telling Wayne to stay in place xx
matt | Voted Video 7/10 | 7th September 05:54
I really like this clip. I'm mainly into OTK/hand spanking scenes, so Part One was one of my all time favorites. But the two boys are so sexy this one worked really well for me. I love dad spanking son and friend as a scenario and I love how hot the boys look side by side on the bed waiting in their tight underwear. And of course I love how they look next to each other naked. The spanking was intense but not brutal. And the full frontal ending was a great bonus. These two boys are fantastic on their own but together they're the best. Wayne has the best butt on the site and Adam has one of the cutest faces. Great work both of them. Great work, Dave, and Art, great cutting and graphics.
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 9/10 | 8th September 08:14
I loved this one as much or more than Part One!  The boys sleeping in their
undies, especially Wayne in his whites, is just too cute for words, they
look like innocent darling angels!

I like the dialog in the beginning, setting up Wayne’s dread and fear of
the belt (he also tells us in Part One his dad might spank him but without
the belt,) and Adam plays it just right to let us know that he is no
stranger to that treatment, especially the look on his face and delivery of
the line, “Its time…”

When Dad walks in Adam already has his “prayer-clasp hands” and Wayne is
chewing nervously on his thumb.  The boys look so regretful and anxious its
hard not to feel sorry for them.  Wayne is willing to quietly accept Dads
rebuke about the drugs and for corrupting the angelic Adam, but I cheered
when Adam did the right thing and finally confessed!  Still, Dad is not
happy with Wayne and he mentions the window-washing incident, giving us a
sense of connectivity that really brings SLSville to life.

I have a feeling that when Wayne started laughing it was Dave that dished
out those extra harsh lashes with the belt, not Dad, as a bit of assistance
to encourage Wayne to get over the giggles. I love that Dave is whatever he
needs to be for the boys in the moment.  I asked earlier what is being said
between the 4th and 5th strokes of Wayne’s 12 count and Orla answered “Stay
in place,” but I know that it is really “Stay at peace, Wayne.”  So softly
and gently delivered, I do believe this was also Dave, and not Dad, helping
Wayne cope during the spanking as he was struggling quite a bit.

It was really exciting to watch them be punished at the same time, side by
side.  As Orla said, I too had to watch this a few times so that I could
pay attention to the reactions of one while the other was spanked!  They
really seemed to be hurting for one another, the empathy is plainly evident
and is just so endearing.  If someone could confirm for me, as my hearing
is not good, I do believe in Part One Wayne can be heard in the background
groaning while Adam is being spanked OTK.  Did anyone else hear that?

Both of the boys did really well, in fact I’ve not been much of a Wayne fan
until right now.  I really can’t say enough about Adam’s acting.  I love
that his face his so full of expression and his voice has a lot of
inflection, his lines are never flat.  I am truly looking forward to more
of Adam in the future, hopefully in the Dad/son scenarios as I think he is
really suited to it.  I also think he should bring more of his naughty
friends home to spend the night.  What if Dad called Other Dad who is away
on business and Other Dad actually agreed and consented to let Dad
discipline his son…that would be hot… it could happen, its SLSville! ok,
plot bunnies hopping away… they’ve escaped now …. nothing to be done about
it… brain overloading….
Rasputin | Voted Video 9/10 | 8th September 17:49
Very good video Wayne & Adam looked very cute and hot lying on the bed on their stomachs in their underwear, waiting for "Dad" to come home. Very good split-camera effects, Art. I liked looking at the agony on the lads' faces, and at their bare shoulders and backs and chests as well as their buttocks and legs during their punishment. I also enjoyed watching the lads kick their legs and squirm about on the bed, groaning in pain - it made their spanking that much more realistic.

Dave, I very much appreciated that the two boys were whipped side-by-side while lying face-down on the bed, and they were whipped a long time on the seats of their "pants" before their underpants were pulled down.
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 26th September 14:59
Loved Part Two even better than Part One. The belting was pretty severe without being brutal (and brutal happens to be one of my least favorite things in a spanking video). I really thought Wayne was going to lose it at one point. It was intense! Can you tell me did the boys shoot another video that day? Their bottoms seemed pretty red already. Forgive me if this has already been answered.

Dave, I thought "Dad" was suitably angry with the boys without acting uncaring. I like that you can pull that off. Believe me when I tell you that most spanking tops that I've seen in videos don't even come close.

Again, Adam and Wayne were great. I love this pairing and hope they work together more in the future. Wayne is a good-looking guy when he's upright, but when he's OTK, his appeal goes off the meter. He has a kind of street smart rakishness about him that vanishes when the spanking starts. That change in attitude is very appealing to me, Adam seems more (I hate to use this term) "middle class" than some of the other boys, at least that's the vibe I get from him. So the two boys being so different really works well in the videos.

Art, great work on this one. I'm not technically all that savvy but it looks like a lot of hard work goes into making the raw footage into a finished product. Love the split screens!
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 29th September 23:11
@Chiki, he did say "Stay at peace, Wayne". I do love that line and he did say it softly. My bad hearing didn't pick it up until about the third viewing. Wayne really did seem to be having a little trouble at that point. I thought at first he was saying "Watch your feet, Wayne" because his feet were coming up. You don't want to get belted on the foot lol.
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