Waits Till His Father Gets Home
Taylor is in deep trouble. He has been involved in a car accident and is in danger of getting into serious trouble with the police. Taylor has to make decision. Face the full force of the law or face his Dad and ask for help!
Taylor knows that both options are not going to end well, but decides that speaking to his Father is probably the best option. So Taylor sit's nervously in his bedroom waiting for his Dad to return from work.
Dad comes home and Taylor tells him the entire story. As expected Dad is really angry! Will he decided to help? Possibly. But right now all Dad is concerned about is teaching his son a lesson.
Dad takes his belt off and orders Taylor to get into position lying across the bed. Taylor knows that a good thrashing from his Dad in this mood is going to really, really hurt!
The punishment begins and Dad proceeds to lash his belt down across Taylor's bottom! Eventually Taylor has to strip fully naked and receive a whacking on his bare bottom! Dad does not hold back with this belting and Taylor is left barely able to refrain from crying out as the pain becomes unbearable!