Spank Jenga is back with more spanking than ever before!
I was determined to make the forfeits longer, more intense and humiliating for the lads playing. I asked you lovely members to volunteer forfeit suggestions and you certainly rose to challenge!
This time around I’m delighted to have Bailey and Liam back. Andy was not available for this shoot, however, I am sure you will be delighted to see 18 year old Karl take his place!
So here are the all-new rules for Spank Jenga!
The lads play Jenga as normal. The loser then has to randomly choose from 6 different forfeits. He then reads out the forfeit he has chosen. Now at this stage he has a choice. He either accepts the forfeit, or if he really hates it and fancies and gamble he folds it up and puts it back in the pile and randomly chooses a different forfeit. He has to go ahead with the second choice regardless!
Ok so here are the 6 different forfeits!
In no particular order….
Forfeit 1
1 minute over the knee spanking from each other lad over my jeans!
followed by…
1 minute over the knee spanking from each other lad over my underwear!
followed by…
1 minute over the knee spanking from each other lad on my bare bottom!
Forfeit 2
8 whacks from the 2 holed butt spanker over the knee, bare bottom from each other lad…….
Forfeit 3
A two minute, hard bare bottom hand spanking from one lad that I choose…………..
Followed by…………………… having Deep Heat* rubbed into my stinging cheeks afterwards!
(this was changed at the time to a one minute spanking, then having deep heat rubbed in followed by a further minutes spanking)
Forfeit 4
Standing naked with my arms pressed against the wall whilst getting the belt for one minute from each other lad…
After the first lad has finished belting me, I have a choice…..
Accept the next one-minute belting…
Or put one of my mates underwear in my mouth for 10 seconds!
Forfeit 5
Accept a three minute bare bottom slippering from one lad of my choice…..
but then play the rest of the game naked!!!
Or accept a three minute bare bottom slippering from each other lad and then get to put my clothes back on!
Forfeit 6
Accept 6 hard strokes from each lad from the leather paddle, whilst butt naked, lying on my back whilst the others hold my legs in the air!
All I can say about the forfeits is that we have some corrupt minds posting ideas on this blog!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I feel a large part of the fun of all of this is the element of surprise and suspense with how each game will turn out. So with that in mind at the moment I am not going to give away much more information…
What I can tell you is this though..
Five rounds were played in total so only one of the above forfeits did not take place. This of course means that at least one lad carried out more than one forfeit!
It wasn’t intended this way (and of course people may view it differently) but I feel the spanking in each round actually gets more intense as the game continues. I think this is mainly down to the lads that got spanked earlier on looking for revenge when they are given the chance!
Spank Jenga will be released as follows in four seperate clips...
Round 1
Rounds 2 & 3
Round 4
Round 5
At some stage after all the individual rounds have been released there will also be a complete version available……….
* From the Wikipedia article on Deep Heat : Deep Heat is known for the heating sensation (which can be particularly uncomfortable if accidentally applied to sensitive areas).