Enough Is Enough
Week Four
Poor Sebastian. It's Week Four of the strict disciplinary regime introduced by his dad in an attempt to clamp down on his bad behaviour - and it had all been going so well, hadn't it?
In Week Three, members will recall, we were beginning to think that he had actually turned over a new leaf. The spanking he got then, after a week on his best behaviour, was his least severe to date.... and Dad said that if he kept it up, the punishment in Week Four would be "a walk in the park".
But no. Sebastian has blown it. At the opening of this week's new male spanking video from Straight Lads Spanked, we learn that not only has the wretched boy been caught fighting with another lad that he reckons was "chatting up his bird", it has led to him being suspended from college! Will he never learn?
Well, as you can imagine, Dad is furious. When he leaves the room and returns brandishing a wicked-looking cane - the very same instrument of ass destruction that had been used on him many years before by Sebastian's grandad - the lad soon realises that this week's punishment is going to be no walk in the park!
Sebastian is told to bend over the couch, and is informed that he will be receiving six strokes across the seat of his jeans, six on his pants.... and six on his bare bottom!
He is already wincing when the cane dusts the seat of his tight-fitting jeans. By the time he has been told to take those off and bend over again in his tight little purple boxers, it's pretty clear that his rear end is already very sore.
But that is nothing to what will follow when the last layer of protection is removed! Sebastian is told to pull his pants down, stick his bottom out and take what's coming to him.... six of the best with Grandad's cane on his bare bottom!
Dad is so disappointed in this latest downturn in the lad's behaviour that he gives him a good thrashing.... and Sebastian's pain is as clear to see as the stripes on his buttocks. Well, maybe next time he will think twice before getting handy with his fists!