Mr X has a brand new visitor and a very unusual situation. Sebastian has arrived wracked with guilt. He has presented himself to Mr X of his own accord. No one ha sent him.
Sebastian, is getting married to the love of his life. He did something terrible though and cheated on her. It was a one night stand and it is over.
It is not over for Sebastian though and he is struggling to live with the guilt. He can't sleep and can hardly look at his fiance he loves so much.
Sebastian feels like he needs to be punished so he presents himself to Mr X and pays for a spanking.
Sebastian is a handsome young man.
Sebastian gets spanked and belted hard!
Over The Knee!
Humiliating, painful but deserved!
"""""More from Mr X......... This was the first time Sebastian has ever appeared on camera and was certainly his first time getting spanked as an adult. A lot of people have already commented on how convincing Sebastian is in this movie. Well there is a very good reason for this. The reason Sebastian got spanked very much reflects a recent, raw real life experience for Sebastian. I always ask the lads if they can think of a genuine reason why the deserve to get spanked and without hesitation Sebastian told me about his infidelity. This was filmed about straight afterwards. You are not seeing a great actor here but instead, someone going through something very real indeed. I hope you enjoy this movie and would love to hear your comments on it""""""
