Rock Star Spanked
George is a young man with a lot of attitude! He is in a band and gets a lot of attention from the fans and this seems to have given him a lot arrogance.
George has a girlfriend....
George also decided to have a second girlfriend!
The second girlfriend found out that she had been lied and cheated too and wanted revenge!
So George was given an ultimatum! Go and visit local spanker Mr X for punishment or she tells his 'real' girlfriend about his sordid affair!
George turns up at mr X's house and this arrogant straight lad has no real idea what awaits him.
He soon discovers that he he due to get spanked and still thinks that is a joke!
Mr X is used to dealing with cocky arrogant young men like George and soon has him over his knee!
Stripped of all his clothes and squirming around of Mr X's knee as the spanks redden his bottom this young man soon loses a lot of his arrogance!
It's not just spanking though as George also feels the belt hard across his already sore and tender bottom!
(This movie is a whopping 30 mins long which makes the file size 805mb, so please be patient as it may take a little bit of tiime to download)
"""More From Producer Dave........ It was a great pleasure working with George. This was his first time filming a mm spanking video with me and he took to it really well. He is acting was superb in the opening scene. I would like to make it clear that in real life George is actually a very pleasant young man and not the arrogant young punk he played so well. However, when it came to the spanking there was no acting involved. He asked me not to give him any breaks as he just wanted it over and done with. So this was shot in pretty much one take. The spanking was very real and hard and George took it incredibly well"""
(if you have come here looking for gay spanking videos you are in the wrong place as George is 100% straight)


It's great to see a guy with long hair come along, and if he is this good on the first film were can he go from here. Very well done to George and to Dave you have a very good eye for the right kind of guy to spank and to Art you do such a great job with all these films to make them look so great. Well done to all for one more hit.

Sorry about that.

But each video / session is unique and involves different kinds of straight guy. I'm thinking Dave has to employ the 'scatter-gun' approach here, doing what he does and rekeasing different types of model / scenario each week, otherwise someone will always rate the vids as low as you did (and I have done, once).
As for George being stoic - this is his natural reaction. That's what 'makes' the videos for me (and I suspect the majority of Dave's male/female audience). Leave Oscars to the silver screen, or over-acted 1980s spanking movies. This stuff is progressive - I want it to stay that way.

As for George's acting being to 'stoic'. I have had this discussion with you many, many times. The lads don;t 'act' during the spanking. No direction is given. There bottom gets spanked for real and what you see on screen is their true reaction. I will never, ever instruct the guys to fake some kind reaction to getting spanked. This is what nearly everyone else other than yourself likes about this movie... You see the cocky young man with the attitude but when the belt comes he finally breaks.... not in a dramatic way but enough for everyone to see that the belt is really getting he message home. There is no way, in real life that a guy like George would be over expressing his pain whilst getting spanked in the same way that the tough lads at school back in the day would do whatever thy could to hide their pain whilst getting caned/tawes.
As for being the worst movie ever? I think it looks great. The spanking is intense, the acting during he opening scenes is some of the best I have seen in any of my movies and the lighting works well. Of course the editing is also superb. Never mind it being nearly 30 mins in duration.

I have no desire to watch a spanking video in which a guy "over-reacts", i.e. he violently kicks and squirms and sobs and howls at the top of his lungs, in response to a few mild swats on his butt. That would be an unrealistic response. Fortunately, the "tops" in Dave's videos administer spankings that are quite a bit harder than "mild", so the punishments are fairly realistic.
There are many models on this website who have displayed varying degrees of demonstrativeness in response to their spankings - Andy, Bailey, Ben, Patrick, Harry, Jay, Liam, Oliver, Fred, Sebastian, Wayne and others. They reacted differently, but they did not over-react, and their reactions were convincing and realistic. Even studly Tommy, who I criticized for an over-stoic response to his spankings in his early videos, finally got it right in his "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home" video - his reaction to his spanking was restrained, but he actually convinced me that he was really feeling pain and humiliation. Dave says he doesn't coach his models, so I assume that these guys naturally responded to their spankings.
George's arrogant, punkish "rock star" persona was a nice touch. However, his deadpan reaction to his spanking did not convince me that he felt pain, that he felt humiliated, or that he had learned his lesson.
The worse part of this video was George's physical appearance - skinny, long-haired, unwholesome, unattractive. If Bailey is (in my opinion) the best spanking model on this site, George is the worst.
Dave, don't get me wrong - the technical aspects (set design, lighting, camera angles, editing, etc.) of this video were fine. However, my extreme dislike of the model's physical appearance, and his non-demonstrative response to his punishment, caused me to give this video a rating of 1 out of 10.

Personally, I loved this movie and want to see more shows with George, either with him being spanked and/or spanking someone else. Mr X, you said he's a pleasant person, so, if being a snotty little jerk is not his true nature, he did a great acting job.
What's not to like? Good looking, beautiful long hair (please don't let him cut his hair). Please, please. more George!!
Appreciate the technical work put into these productions. Also appreciate the way you let us know if there's a problem in the production, such as the troubles yall had with the bath brush moving starring Bailey. Don/t get me started on Bailey or Ben ... WOW!!!
Please keep up the good movies you've been making. Thanks.

Sorry, that's supposed to be bath brush movie and don't has an apostrophe, not a slash.

I messed up on the rating and wound up giving it a 7, when I actually wanted to give it a 10; since it's one of my favorites

of course everyone is entirely entitled to their own opinion.
well done Art & Dave as usual on another great video.

Physically, George isn't my ideal type. But I appreciate that Dave tries to bring in different types. George's surly attitude and "I'm-all-that" smile were delightful. It's a shame he never came back to film again, I would have liked to see him in more movies. I also like that he said he normally gives the spankings, not takes them. His bottom got nice and red. I have a thing for being matched up and his bottom matched his ensemble quite well :)
Very nicely done, Dave. Even though George was a one-time shoot, his only film is a gem. Kudos to Art as well on the editing end. Good work, guys,