Real Punishment - Sebastian - Bath Brush Beating
Sebastian is an idiot! There is no doubt about that!
This movie follows on one week later from Real Punishment - Sebastian - The Strap which followed on from
Real Punishment - Sebastian - The Cane
Sebastian had the money to get his fathers laptop from the pawn shop. Once again Sebastian got distracted and found other priorities!
Mr X is furious!
What results is the probably the harshest punishment I have ever filmed.
The dreaded bath brush is used and boy does Sebastian feel every whack! You can see the pain in his face as his bottom turns purple!
This is a no nonsense beating and certainly not for the faint hearted!
Get this movie as well as Part One and Part Two of Sebastian's Resl Punishment for just $23.99
Thats over 90 minutes and three full length movies!
Click here now for all the details! Hurry though this incredible offer will not last forever!

The plot is very good, Sebastian is AMAZING, taking this brushing like a real man! This one just entered into my personal top Three from this site.
I also like how you switch between the brush and the hand, and that the handswats really look and feel not hard, but VERY hard, judging from Sebastians reactions.
Only one thing I would have done differently, I would have given him 12 or 20 instead of the final 6 "silent" swats, but my guess is that poor Sebastian couldn't have taken it, considering his very real reactions during the last minutes.
A very nice early Xmas present, thank you Dave and thank you thank you thank you Sebastian!


You definitely give him a very, very thorough spanking with that fierce, hardwood bath brush (and, of course, with your firm, bare hand on his firm, bare bottom)...and it’s very apparent from the expressions on his face!
Even though every lad has a different tolerance for pain and every lad’s bum reddens at a different pace, for sure, Sebastian took one no-nonsense spanking from you.
I don’t know if there’s any friendly competition among your lads, but if there is, Sebastian absolutely took a spanking that’s the equal of any – and perhaps a spanking that has even raised the bar a bit.
Although he seems a little shy, perhaps one day Sebastian will be up for some friendly competition in some future spanking game (like a second game of Twister – or perhaps a game of Darts?).
Thanks, Dave, and especially thanks, Sebastian!!
-- Don

But on this movie i do have to say you did take the brush very well. & again remember i did not feel sorry for you at all. ( JUST SAYING)
Now to ART that was so awesome how you did the graphics how you typed the graphics in that was really kool. loved it..
& for Mr.X you are always good what you do :)
& Dave keep up the Awesome work :)

Thanks to cami as well. You're always so nice. :-)