Real Punishment - Andy - The Birch
Another Real Life Situation - Another Real Punishment
Andy Lee seems to find it difficult to keep out of trouble!
This time he was fighting in the gym and a mirror got smashed.
The gym owner was furious and demanded that Andy cover the cost of replacing the mirror or he would involve the Police.
Andy contacted me in a panic as he had no funds. To be honest, at that time neither did I!
So I decided to inform the viewer simply named as 'Sir' who had previously helped out Sebastian back in this movie..
Sebastian - Real Punishment - The Cane
'Sir' decided to help out but of course there had to be a price. In this case it was a severe birching!
Not only that, but Andy had the added humiliation of getting punished in front of his younger brother Patrick.
""""More from producer Dave.......... well I have actually had this movie now for nearly a year. For some reason there didn't seem the right time to release it until now. I must admit, this was one of the toughest movies I have had to film before. You have probably worked out by now that Andy and I have become good friends. Even though we have filmed some heavy stuff in the past it was always with the mutual intention of making a great movie (and of course Andy earning some cash). In this situation I had to dish out a proper punishment. To be honest, my weekend really had been ruined and I was pretty mad with Andy and he knew it. Still though, I was under strict instructions from 'Sir' that if Andy was not punished hard enough then the cash would not be paid. I hope you all enjoy the results""""

The Real Punishment series was very different with Clark and Sebastian. They were two models that we hadn't seen before, and hadn't gotten a chance to know and form a connection with. Andy has been there since the beginning, we've seen him in most of the movies, and I think the audience in general has a quite a fondness for him. As have you, Dave - one can easily understand why this was a difficult movie to film. Were you and Andy alright afterwards?

and yes, I really do genuinely care for all of them and do what I can to help. But really, by being members you are all helping these lads. Any financial help I give them comes from you...

Ok, there are, I just don't know which ones to type, there are so many going through my head just now. This is quite possibly the best real punishment I've ever seen captured on film (bar one, and I'll not advertise another's work on this site)
It was difficult and uncomfortable to watch from the very beginning. Andy's attitude prior to his birching clearly indicates he doesn't believe he should bear any real consequences for his actions. That was hard to watch because we want to believe better about our Andy's character and integrity. We see how upset Dave is at not only Andy's stupidity, but having withheld the truth and making more of mess than necessary. Patrick's discomfort at having to be present and involved with the whole affair is practically palpable.
I would not want to have been any one of them in that room. I felt a deep compassion for Andy, not only for the pain of the punishment to which he was obliged to submit, but the added embarrassment of it being carried out in front of his little brother. I felt deeply sorry for Patrick, who was clearly miserable and squirming with empathy for his brother. I also felt bad for Mr. X/Dave who, while certainly had enough reasons to discipline Andy, still didn't get his Easter back with his family. The method of punishment was also dictated by someone else, and although Mr. X was thorough in his job, I got the feeling it would not have been his choice how to deal with it.
Though the film was mostly distressing to see, Andy redeems both himself and the film when his punishment is over and he utters a contrite "I'm so sorry" and admits, quite believably, that he did deserve to be disciplined.
This... THIS should be the gold standard for "real punishment" films, and a template for any kind of discipline spanking film, really. It was enchanting to observe the genuine transformation in Andy's attitude shift from angry and resentful to remorseful and contrite.
!!!! M A G I C !!!!