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Duration: 23:50 Size: 0.00 MB

Paul - Ex-Army Lad Spanked

RELEASED: 24th September 2014


Ex-Army Guy Spanked

Paul is a young, fit military guy that seems to think with his dick and not with his head! 

He has just been kicked out of the Army for 'Battalion Cohesion'

(which in simple terms means he slept with another soldiers wife).

He is back home living with his mother and has no job or prospects. It seems that old habits die hard and he is caught being intimate with his brothers girlfriend!

His mother comes home to find the two brothers fighting in the back garden.

Paul is given a choice by his mother. Visit Mr X for appropriate punishment or leave!

Paul turns up, cocky and and arrogant...

Of course we all know what will happen. This young army guy gets stripped naked and spanked hard. 

Mr X really lays into the military trained lad!

"""More From Producer Dave...... Ok, in some ways I am limited in what I can tell you but I have permission from Paul to tell you that he really is ex-army and was dismissed. I do love these real life situations!

As for this movie, well it seemed his military training kicked in and he did not show that much reaction to a very hard spanking, though I do appreciate the subtle reactions.....

With tough guys like this, you have the dilemma, do you just leave it, or do you get them back and push the punishment harder and try and break them (for example the cane).

I would appreciate your thoughts on this!


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millie | Voted Video 7/10 | 25th September 03:39
yet another early and a new face, fab start to the weekend
NovaDad | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th September 07:31
Paul's a nice, good-looking, and toned/fit new lad. I hope we'll see more of him, so that he'll be able to show Mr. X what he's really made of. Who knows, perhaps he will be able to raise the bar for SLS's other lads! Thanks!

lorilee | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th September 09:44
Welcome to SLS Paul. You did a real good job for you first time, I liked the attitude, story line, and the fact you did not look at the camera once, Mr. X did a good job he did not hold back much, Just one thing though I did laugh a little at sponge bob under ware however. All in all good job hope to see more from you.. liked the new ending Art, keep up the good work, you are a master with these videos.
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 25th September 16:44
He has something......he's a cute little sparrow. Dave can you feed him up a bit?
Rasputin | Voted Video 4/10 | 25th September 17:53
If the "tough guy" were better-looking and more muscular than Paul, I would bring him back for a much harder spanking session and break him down. But as we are talking about Paul, I would just let him go and not bring him back for another session - he's not hunky enough to hold my interest.
findjc | Not voted video yet | 25th September 18:04
Love Paul but not his attitude. I think he needs 36 lashes of the leather tawse but all of them on the bare arse, not in three groups.
Art | Not voted video yet | 25th September 20:10
Thank you, lorilee. Much appreciated.
Ooleary | Voted Video 4/10 | 26th September 03:59
I was so excited early movie release, great story and new model but I'm sorry but that's where the excitement ended Paul not my cup of tea sorry Dave so after that disappointment i watched Parker office bully again my favourite movie this month xxx Orla
matt | Voted Video 6/10 | 26th September 20:23
I'd go along with most of the other members. Paul is ok as a model but he's not a new Straight Lads star. Looking forward to next week's clip. Thanks for the early posting, Dave. Still the best m/m spanking site one the web.
tinhead | Voted Video 8/10 | 27th September 02:24
I like this one - Paul is more 'boy next door' than most of the other SLS models but there's something exciting about that. Even the spongebob boxers kind of underline the fact that here's an ordinary straight guy, feeling out of place and being spanked by another man. Good work Paul, Dave and Art.
uchikimatsu | Not voted video yet | 27th September 08:36
@tinhead - I have to agree with you about Paul; I like his "everyman" appeal.

While I admit this film seemed a bit formulaic at times, an easy stand-in for Parker's Bully video with similar attitudes and even similar lines, "its boring now" equivilant to "its tickling" and the same "I thought it was over my pants" routine, I did still enjoy it.

Obviously Paul puts on his best "tough army guy" bravado face, but there are some good, subtle reactions to watch for, especially the vocalizations once he's bare bottom smacked. I like that you can see Mr. X's hand print on his white skin.

The Butch said this about Paul:
"Oh my god, the boy is so pale! And he's hardly pinking up! He has no blood, obviously Paul is a vampire..."

This film is different in that its clear it is not the spanking having an effect on Paul, but the scolding from Mr. X. Dave must have hit a few sensitive real-life buttons when talking to him and Paul's attitude changes as he is thoroughly chastised about his abhorrent behavior.

Paul may not be as demonstrative as some, but the reactions were genuine, and SLS philosophy is "the whole punishment, not just spanking!" In this movie we get to see how "the whole punishment" breaks down his defenses to leave a very different Paul than we see at the start of the movie.

I'd like to see Paul back in a few different scenarios to see what the lad has to offer! I'm not judging too quickly, after all it took me about 4 months and watching and re-watching Wayne's movies looking out for the more subtle expressions to finally take a shine to him.
Lynne | Voted Video 7/10 | 27th September 12:36
Hmmmm...sometimes first impressions aren't always the best. Given Dave's idea of two shoots a day, I am guessing we may yet see a second shoot with Paul; those have modified my initial impressions more than once. From the single reaction of throwing his hand back, and worming that left arm back as well :), I am guessing Paul wasn't as stoic as he might seem and there WAS a subtle attitude change in there.

As for the "charge," that is otherwise referred to as fraternization and yep, a good way to say so long to a military career.

Much prefer the true reactions though rather than the made up ones and perhaps seeing someone truly fighting their own reactions is something in and of itself. No, not going to give up on Paul just yet :).

Cherylkay | Voted Video 7/10 | 29th September 12:51
Why, oh why did they not have SpongeBob boxers when I was in my 20s? Paul is just the sort of lad that needs a visit to Mr. X--he's cheeky, insolent and rather smug on top of it. But I rather like him because of his attitude. It's fun to watch the change in his demeanor as the spanking goes along. I know a few of the other commenters dislike Paul, but I found him very believable. I also like that he mentioned that a girl had spanked him once. It's the first time that kink has been mentioned in an actual film to my knowledge (aside from the interviews).

I like the more subtle reactions to the spanking, too as opposed to all the kicking and yelling (not that that isn't delightful, too). I just think Paul, being just a bit older, brings something a little different to the table in this video and he's obviously not everyone's cup of tea. But I quite like him.

Dave, well done as always. I know to a lot of people these films seem rather repetitious, but I appreciate the subtleties, as I said. Yes, all the lads end up naked across your knee, but they don't all get there the same way.

Art, what can I say? You're the man. Can I ask you if, beyond editing the footage, you also have to deal with the sound? Or is that Dave's department? I only ask because the accoustics in that room are a nightmare and at times even Dave was asking Paul to repeat himself lol.
Art | Not voted video yet | 1st October 20:28
Hey Cherylkay. The sound recording on the videos is captured at the time of filming, so it's really Dave's department. The audio on the videos is directly from the camera mic(s), and the ambient/hollow echo that you hear is the natural room sound in that particular room. It's pretty well impossible to adjust in post. There is a way to greatly improve it, but it would involve some adjustments in the room itself. I'll chat with Dave about it and see what he thinks.
Thanks for the nice things you said :-)
cami | Voted Video 4/10 | 2nd October 15:35
It was kinda boring :( ... Did not get my attention at all.. if he will be in an other one, i hope it's better then this one. Art love the ending..
Cherylkay | Voted Video 7/10 | 4th October 20:32
Art, I figured there's not much that can be done about the echos. Please have Dave leave things the way they are. I'm quite fond of that room. I just have very bad hearing and sometimes it's a struggle for me to understand what's being said. And, as an American, the accents are hard as well. I think Dave has enough headaches as it is. The last thing he wants is the new girl pissing and moaning about the sound lol.
Art | Not voted video yet | 7th October 19:50
No problem, Cherylkay. Actually, I also have trouble sometimes understanding what is said, so you are not alone. One time when I added subtitles to a video, I had to get Dave to write out a lot of the dialogue because I really couldn't figure it out. But if you ask Dave, he's always really good about translating :-)
Cami, glad you loved the ending. Sorry the video didn't work for you, but hopefully the next one will.
Cherylkay | Voted Video 7/10 | 17th October 12:03
Dave, I realize that I never answered your question about Paul. It's been my experience that tough guys come in two varieties: guys who actually are tough and guys who think they're tough. In my mind, Paul fits into the latter category. Mr. X seems to be pretty good at finding a guy's weak spot and exploiting it. Definitely, bring Paul back and just see where it goes. I'm not sure about "breaking him" as I really don't see the point of that. Unless you are talking more along the lines of just finding out what he can take and were his limits are. I think you start off going pretty easy on the guys until you've shot a few times and trust starts to get built. When that happens you know you can push the envelope a little.
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