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Duration: 19:47 Size: 0.00 MB

Parker - Bubble Bath Blues

RELEASED: 20th June 2014

Parker - Bubble Bath Blues


This video contains lingering shots of a naked young str8 lad that some viewers may find highly erotic!

Parker is a rather arrogant young man. Cocky and thinks the world revolves around himself. possibly even a bit of a bully.

Parker comes home from work and like to relax in a warm bubble bath with the music on LOUD!

The neighbours who have young children do not like the music being on LOUD!

Parker doesn't care!

Parker's Dad cares though and he has had enough!

So for the first time in his 22 year old life, Parker finds himself getting a good old fashioned spanking and slippering from his very angry father!

You can tell how angry his father is as Parker's bottom turns a shade of scarlet as the spanks come down harder and harder!

I don't think Parker will be playing his music loudly again!


(if you are looking for gay spanking movies you are in the wrong place. Parker is 100% straight)

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
lorilee | Voted Video 8/10 | 20th June 08:47
Parker you did a great job for your first single video, liked the hair, the squirming and the kicking , was not sure you would make it to the end. hope to see more with you.

Art liked the music, the changing of colored screens at the credits, also the split screens during the spanking, great facial shots, Thanks

And Dave what can I say you have so many talented models and you keep bringing us great movies Thank you
cami | Voted Video 9/10 | 20th June 09:40
LOL Parker was brought down to size... :P .. He did a great job in this video.
Loved that saying " IS THAT IT" that always cracks me up.
Even when Dom say it the 1st time never can get over that saying.
It's to funny it makes the movie greater.

Dave you just keep coming up with new things & they are AWESOME.
Art all i can say for you is WOW, that ending of the graphics are amazing.
You & the whole SLS always out due yourself 's ..
See this is why i will never go anywhere else.. You have sexy guys & you have great movie's ...
Parker i hope we see more of you if so, Welcome to the family.
wardcoleman | Voted Video 9/10 | 20th June 09:43
Hi Parker, Welcome to the Straight Lads Spanked stable
Rasputin | Voted Video 8/10 | 20th June 20:51
I loved the bikini briefs that Parker was wearing during his punishment. I also liked the way Parker responded to his spanking - lots of squirming, kicking, grimacing, grunting, etc.

If Bailey, Andy, Patrick, Oliver, Wayne, Ben, Jay, Harry or Tommy had been the spankee in this video, had responded the same way Parker did to his spanking, and had worn the same kind of bikini briefs that Parker wore, I would have given it a 10 rating. Unfortunately, Parker is just too slender for my taste.
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 21st June 00:08
So near but far once again Rasputin!
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 8/10 | 21st June 05:10
And I was just going to ask you, @Rasputin, how much you had to bribe Dave to put those underwear on Parker! I thought for sure those sexy colorful speedos would earn a 10 from you!
mstr_spkr | Voted Video 9/10 | 21st June 12:55
Welcome, Parker!

Parker's attitude change throughout the spanking was spot on, as were his reactions during the spanking. You'd think that it actually hurt (and I know it did - these are real spankings.) I also think he would have deserved that spanking just for the choice of music alone, if not for the noise!

Well done, everyone. I definitely hope Parker returns for many more videos.

Parker, you have a new fan. Thanks for your effort.

I have one question for Parker, if I may. This was his first spanking here. Was it worse than he had expected? I'd love to see an interview with him and find out if he had been spanked as a child or as an adult before appearing here.

Thanks again.
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 21st June 15:45
All the guys are lovely . Parker wriggles his cute little ass nicely.
matt | Voted Video 9/10 | 22nd June 02:52
Great new clip! Parker is a really good addition to the site. Perfect SLUK model: masculine and boyish with a naughty attitude that begs for a spanking.Handsome face and I love his smooth body. He looks a bit like Wayne. Maybe they could play brothers in a clip. He may not be as beefy as some of the other models but there's something really sexy about him and his acting is really good. I loved his transition from cocky young man to sorry, naughty boy. I also love how he kicks and squirms over Dad's knee. I know some members prefer a more "stoic" response but I'm really turned on when the boys react like that. Love the kicking and squirming. Dave, as always, great work and great job finding these amazing new models. Parker, thanks for doing such a good job. And last, but not least, congrats, Art, on the ground breaking credit sequence! Really fun and unexpected.
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 8/10 | 22nd June 06:30
For some inexplicable reason I’ve developed a weird fascination with this particular video and have probably watched it ten or twelve times this weekend, which may not seem excessive, but this is around preparations for and a large BBQ party we had yesterday at the house.

Parker is a natural in front of the camera. He did a great job conveying that spoiled, arrogant attitude and his dialog seemed effortless and genuine. He did not appear nervous, nor did he look into the face-cam, which is a pet peeve of mine.

I especially like the subtle change on his face when Dad finally got hold of his wrist and understanding was beginning to dawn on Parker that Dad was really serious and something was about to change!

Parker’s debut is marvelous, but I think the true star of this film is the dialog between them, and Dave’s scolding; its plentiful, complex (not the same phrases repeated,) and more realistic than anything I’ve seen before. I loved every line of banter between Parker and Dad; I will save everyone the pain of repeating favorite lines from the film to just say that the OTK scolding made even my jaded little heart skip a beat.

Parker’s facial expressions were wonderful, and he looked truly miserable when Dad took down his underpants. I love that they stayed around his thighs. I’m definitely a pants-down girl rather than a pants-off kind of person. Besides, and I realize I’m not exactly the target audience here, but I think pants-off Dads are just a little creepy.

SLIPPER! Parker’s reactions looked genuine, and the slipper looked like it stung, especially that last spank where Parker let out a little sob-gasp, but I think Dave mentioned there was some kind of interview pending about the use of the slipper, I’ll be curious to see it!

@mstr_spkr – I’m going to assume that the music was some non-copyrighted stuff.

Art – phenomenal job with the graphics and music, really wonderful – FUN! The split screens were amazing, FOUR this time I noticed, that was ROCKIN’!!!!

Ok, the presence of what I affectionately call the “SLS Midnight Sun.” It’s the middle of the night, the lads are supposed to be sleeping, dreaming, etc., yet the midday sun is streaming brightly through the windows? Paper blackout shades, cost like $3 and are up and down in about 2 minutes. Just sayin’.

I thought the transition from arrogant and willful to acquiescent was a tad hasty. From someone who had never in his life been spanked and who was as spoiled and haughty as that, I didn’t expect such passive compliance. Although, as soon as he was draped across Dad’s knee, he did look overwhelmed and bewildered, then once the sting from a couple of smacks to his bottom woke him up, he came to his senses!

There is one, true, heartbreak about this film. Parker is apparently a kicker, which for me, is just lovely. Married with the pants around the thighs, nothing in the world could be better. Add to the mix Dave’s heavenly scolding, and its really just perfection. Unfortunately, Parker’s freshly bathed feet were not captured on film kicking and banging on the bed like the little brat that he is. We can see the legs moving and hear the sound of them landing on the bed, but the beautiful visual of Parker kicking the bed during his spanking is lost forever. ::::SOB:::
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 8/10 | 22nd June 06:43
my girlfriend watched this with me a few times. Her contribution to the review:

"Parker's sack is really loose and jiggly." ○_ʘ
gordonca | Not voted video yet | 22nd June 13:54
Nice beating.
Rasputin | Voted Video 8/10 | 22nd June 18:18
@uchikimatsu, I was hoping to give this video a "10 of 10" rating. I liked EVERYTHING about this video except for the physical appearance of Parker. Parker is not what I would call a "twink", but he is VERY slender. If he had been more muscular or "brawny", I probably would have given this a video a 10.

Dave, please don't get the impression that I can never be satisfied. I have 118 of your videos on my hard drive. Out of those 118 videos, 32 of them are so good that I can't imagine how they could be significantly improved.

32 out of 118 = that's 27%. If you were a baseball player, you'd be batting .271 . Not bad. Not bad at all.
Lynne | Voted Video 8/10 | 23rd June 14:18
Have to admit I agree with soon as that "music" started up I was ready to crawl through the monitor and choke someone :)

As such I admit I skipped part of the beginning until the music went off :) but the dialog was on the mark. Parker plays (and played) the spoiled brat, as Chiki put it :) very well. He wasn't quite at the whining level but it was close.

The transformation, in any of the models, is always interesting to watch. They all start out a little challenging but it doesn't take long for the reality to set in. I think Parker was a little shocked (or maybe just surprised) at the intensity; not sure he was ready for it, but he did well in any case.

Chiki, I gave up with the shooting a nighttime scene in the daylight issue. I attribute the light to very close and very bright streetlights streaming directly into the works :). Blackout shades or even curtains with a black fabric lining (Dave, know anyone handy with a sewing machine?:) )would darken things up in the short term.

Art, you lived up to your name with the psychedelic colors and the ending was new, different and neat :).

Parker, welcome aboard...:)
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th June 07:10
I'm up to about 25 views at this point, obviously skipping the bubble bath scene and as much of the obnoxious music as possible. But still, 25 views and I'm not even that impatient for the new release as I could probably watch this one another 25 times and not be bored with it. It's that good. Or, my little OCD brain is just working overtime and needs a distraction.

Maybe Parker's portrait is next! (See Random Blog for Andy's portrait)
Lynne | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th June 13:32
Hmmmm...I am thinking an SLS collage; a "family" picture :)
Rasputin | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th June 14:44
Dave, I want to change my rating of this video from "7 out of 10" to "8 out of 10". How do I do that, or is it impossible to change a vote once cast?
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 25th June 14:49
I've cancelled your vote, so you should be able to vote again.
welshboy | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th June 15:02
First thing I want to say is WOW to Art and his great work on the end of this film. It looked like an Hitchcock film well done I loved it. As for Parker he did very well for his first film. I loved the attitude that always goes down well with me. As does the underwear Parker was wearing, top viewing. As for the spanking it worked well, it got even better when it went to the three screen view. But as a first spanking well done Parker, and welcome to the family.
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th June 15:21
@Lynne - I'll get back to you on that....
Rasputin | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th June 18:04
Thanks, Dave. I voted again.
Ooleary | Voted Video 10/10 | 31st August 07:45
Love Parker cute and cocky , great acting between him and Dad, love his reactions to the spanking defo want to see more Parker
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 16th October 22:37
I think my ears bled a little after listening to that obnoxious music. Parker deserved a spanking just for that! He really does play the spoiled "it's all about me!" little brat to perfection. Aside from the fact that Parker's not my ideal physically, in the way that he responds (kicking, back talk, yelping, etc.) he's pretty close to perfect. He does have a very cute, spankable bottom, which bounces nicely when he's spanked. He also has very lovely eyes. You can tell I'm a bit fixated on eyes LOL.

Dave, like Chiki, I thought the dialog between you and Parker was delightful. He was giving you pretty good sass for a while there, then when the spanking got serious, he changed his tune. But his responses never seemed forced in an effort to show what a good actor he is.

Art, again, very nice editing here. We're spoiled here, that's all.
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