Locker Room Thief
Kevin & Karl
Part Four
This movie follows on several weeks later from Part Three.
It has since discovered that Karl also stole Kevin's iphone and Kevin is not happy. The lads agree on an amount that Karl has to pay Kevin back. When Kevin comes to collect his money he discovers that Karl is £5.00 short.
Karl pleads for more time. He has worked non stop to earn this money and was just a little short. Kevin though, is not interested. It's clear he is looking for some kind of revenge...
Kevin decides to sort this out the "Team" way.
This means Karl gets spanked.
Karl has already been spanked by Team Captain Sebastian, Coach Andy and his Dad.Now he has the added` humiliation of getting spanked by another player.
You can see how angry Kevin is as Karl's bare bottom turns a very dark shade of red as the Kevin does not hold back with his spanking!