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Duration: 23:17 Size: 0.00 MB

Liam - Bubble Bath Blues

RELEASED: 10th July 2014

Liam - Bubble Bath Blues

Liam can't seem to control his temper and one again has been giving his mother cheek!

Well his Dad has had enough of his behaviour and decides it's time for some proper punishment!

Armed with a wooden kitchen utensil, Liam gets dragged over his fathers knee and this straight young man has his bare bottom soundly spanked.

Dad does not gp easy and the spanking is continuous for nearly 15 mins!

Liam is left with a very sore, red bottom!

""More from Producer Dave, this movie stemmed from a fan making a comment that they would like to see a movie where there is less breaks in the spanking and whilst the spanker is talking and scolding and to see more of a continuous punishment. So this is what I set out to do. Also Liam and I had an agreement that we would not stop the spanking once we got started as I wanted to capture on film the very real reactions of a very real, long hard spanking. I hope you think the efforts were worth it!""

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
welshboy | Voted Video 9/10 | 10th July 13:59
I have been so looking forward to this film from Liam for months and now this its here I am a happy man. I have always loved Liam and since he has beefed up he is real eye candy. As always I love the build up to the spanking Liam did so well in this And did not look at the camra once. Dave, Liam had a well beaten bottom by the end of filming and I loved it. Just keeping to the spanking worked so well in this film. I just have one wish is to see more of Liams well spanked bottom.
lorilee | Voted Video 9/10 | 10th July 15:31
Liam its good to see you again, your looking good. Now for the spanking part you did real well considering how log it has been, the continuous dialog was great. nonstop spanking also supper. Art love the shadow picture in picture was awesome like the music also went well with the story. As for you Dave what can I say you do keep my attrition and looking foreword to the next, I wish we could have to Fridays each week.
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 10th July 15:40
I love breaking a vid blog's cherry!

I have to say when I get hold of the laptop and can rate this properly, it's getting a "10 out of 10" I absolutely adored it and will write more about that soon! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Rasputin | Voted Video 8/10 | 10th July 18:39
I agree with Welshboy - Liam's body is very nice to look at now that he has "bulked up". (I've always liked his sweet, shy "boy next door" persona as well.) A good video.
kristi10 | Voted Video 9/10 | 10th July 19:18
Very good movie!! Quite possibly Liam's best, although I did like Forrest nettle whipping(Andy's revenge) , thought Liam was really good in that one also. He has really beefed up nicely, looking great Liam!!! Art, you did a fantastic job, I loved the shadow picture also, nice touch. Dave, as usual, you are the best!!
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 11th July 02:57

Dang, WB and Lori got here before me but their comments just weren't visible yet. I want to add my g/f's contribution to the review first, because it was both funny and accurate. She said:

"Damn, Liam is LITERALLY getting the snot beat out of him."

And I don't even care that we watched while he deposited snot bubbles onto the sheets, it still gets a 10 rating, but Dave, in all seriousness, can you not give him a Sudafed or spray some Nasacort up there before filming?

The lesbians agree; Liam is aesthetically pleasing. His body is particularly nice to look at as beautifully balanced and classical.

Now, the spanking... oh, the spanking...what a spanking it was. Even though it was a BBB, it was all about the spanking. I'm not even sure what to add except that it was just marvelous, really spectacular. Liam's very real reactions had even me wincing in sympathy. I understand this was a special circumstance and cant be done all the time, but filming this way has made all the difference in the world. When I read the description, I wasn't convinced there would be any distinction, because Art's editing is so good, but it makes an absolute noticeable difference in Liam's pain and stress levels, his distress is clearly visible and audible, and that's HOT.

This is also one of a few very rare instances where a spanking is accepted without being forced by an ultimatum or dilemma. The other being 18 Year Old Karl's "Spanked by Dad for Getting Caned at School." I FREAKING LOVE THAT!!!!!!!

All of these elements make up one hell of a movie, a perfect "10" for me.

::::throws self on floor at Dave's feet:::::

Please do it again....PLEASE??!!!???? pretty pretty please, with a cherry on top? PLEASE DAVE?
Lynne | Voted Video 9/10 | 11th July 14:43
If my math is correct this was a very long 13 mins and 48 seconds of near non-stop spanking which is nearly triple what was seen in the last Jenga sequence with the 5-minute forfeits.

As Chiki pointed out :), Liam was definitely struggling; I don't think we've seen as much reaction from him before even in the Bath Brush vid but it was a nice change in the dynamics. I am guessing that Liam did have some little bit of control in this in the manner that had he been able o refrain from swearing as much, Dave might have stopped a little sooner. I did notice, interestingly enough, that Liam did actually stop swearing near the end...coincidence? :) Makes me wonder, however, what he said AFTER the cameras were turned off :). Well done Liam, poor soul :) Those flat stirrers, while light, sting horribly.

Art, I loved that musical score on this one, In fact, I'll send Dave an e-mail so he can pass it on; can you tell me where you found that music?
toshiba | Voted Video 6/10 | 11th July 21:15
Liam and his laughter while being spanked. Lol
Art | Not voted video yet | 12th July 07:23
Thanks to all of you who said good things about the edit of this one. I appreciate it.
Lynne, I believe the music is something I put together from various music programmes, but I can't be sure because I can't remember (it's about a year ago since I first found it). I do know it is copyright-free and I downloaded it to my work computer and called it "Rhythm # 16" so I could use it again for other videos. I'll see if I can find out where I got it from. I can tell you, though, that what you hear in the video is all of it - that's its total length.
Take care.
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 12th July 10:28
I was wondering if Liam was laughing!?! My girlfriend said there is no possible way he is laughing through that spanking, but I said it looked like nervous giggles to me. Anyone else?

Dave? What say you?
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 12th July 12:35
I agree, there was definitely some nervous giggles!
Lynne | Voted Video 9/10 | 12th July 13:22
At about minute 17:24. I was trying to make up my mind about the laughing as well but glad Dave cleared it up :) There weren't a whole lot of giggles after that though.

Art, I appreciate the searching :). If the original can be found it is possible I might be able to scrounge up the entire thing. I won't go into the why of it other than to say it has to do with riding specific movements in time with music.
Aimee1234 | Voted Video 10/10 | 13th July 01:20
I love it!!! Well done Liam & Dave. Great great video. One word to describe that spanking, ouch! I also enjoyed a video in which the spanking wasn't driven by an ultimatum. I always feel the ultimatum works well in the Mr X videos but prefer when it isn't in the dad scenarios because, like in this video, sometimes dad just thinks their son needs punished for his actions. Wonderful. Thanks guys!
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 13th July 05:51
***Please see ULTIMATUM/DILEMMA SPANKING RANT in the Random Blog
matt | Voted Video 8/10 | 13th July 08:48
It's great to see Liam back on the site. He's always been one of my favorite models and he looks better than ever. As always, I love his blond hair and perfect smooth body. And of course that perfect, PERFECT butt. Great scene, too. Love the scenario, the scolding, etc. And love the long, serious, OTK spanking. Great job, Dave, Art, and of course Liam. Looking forward to more like this.
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 13th July 15:46
Sexy as fuck
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 14th July 13:28
Although more views of his knob rubbing on Dave's lap would have been good.
cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 17th July 19:39
I Love me some Liam good to see him back... :)
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 19th July 18:49
@Lynne and I were having an off-forum discussion about this movie and I asked if she thought Liam was really cursing during the spanking or if Dave was just saying that at random times to make things more interesting. Not that this is my favorite thing in the world to admit, but I am completely deaf in one ear and moderately hard of hearing in the other. So not only am I contending with the "language barrier," but also the accents, and my hearing loss. This is why I am always bitching about dialog. Now you know.

I re-watched it to see if I could hear poor Liam cursing under his breath just before the times Dave says things like, "are you cursing again, son?" but not once did I hear any swear words from Liam.

Dave, I am wondering if my hearing is just that bad or if you really did just throw those lines in there randomly to keep Liam on his toes and things interesting!

Also, while I didn't hear any swear words, I did hear a lot of desperate monosyllabic nonsense, frequently the sound of "da!" I was wondering if this was short for "dad!" or just a random expletive.

Liam is not bad with the acting, and I love that he's generous with the "dads," as some of the other boys seem reluctant to use the word. Thanks!

p.s. I know Liam says many times during the course of his spanking, "can we not just talk about this," but only on the second viewing did I catch that the first time he said it the complete line was, "can we not just talk about this instead of resorting to violence!" It just made me giggle!

uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 19th July 20:51
"I am wondering if my hearing is just that bad..." Ok, obviously it is, but I meant that I normally wear a special earphone (stereo to mono) in the one ear while viewing on the iPad which allows me to hear most things quite clearly.

By the way, the earphone, which was specifically engineered for people that are deaf in one ear, is really great for anyone that wants to listen to music, radio, or other audibles, but still need to "keep an ear out," like at work, or joggers, etc. It is called a OneBud and they have a website. I recommend. If you're wondering why anyone would need a OneBud, next time you are listening to your iPod, take out one earphone. Not cool only getting to hear the drums and the back up singers, is it?
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 20th July 09:28
Hey, I've watched loads back but at 08:21 Liam certainly says "Fuck" and again at 08:38 he is a naughty young man!
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 21st July 02:41
Now I've heard them! Yes, sir, very naughty indeed!

And, as @Lynne points out after going back to listen for it, the complete line is "Can we not just talk about this instead of resorting to violence? Its uncomfortable!" Which somehow makes it even funnier!

Another line I found amusing from Liam was "I promise, I will be good!" Which just sounded like it was uttered out of pure desperation and made him sound about 9 years old!
[email protected] | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th August 14:10
Love Liam's nervous giggles so cute and wanting to talk it out so funny.Cute little bum too but seriously i think he is allergic to the cats he should take an antihistamine before his next visit and some e45 cream for that little dry patch of skin on his back but Liam is defo on my top 10 list love this guy.x
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