Kevin - Real Punishment
Bad Start
(this video will be avaialble to stream by 1430 UK time today)
Kevin was meant to come and make a movie. He was really keen and glad of the extra work. On the day of the shoot, Kevin never turned up. He never answered calls and gave no warning on the day. It was a complete waste of my time.
Days later, Kevin go in touch, apologetic and eager to make amends.
I decided to give this good looking a straight lad a second chance at making a mm spanking movie with me. So I invited him round.
This was not going to be easy for Kevin though. I wanted him to understand that bad behaviour has consequences. I decided that Kevin should be punished for real for messing me around.
Normally when I work with new models they are nervous about filming and apprehensive about the spanking. These are regular guys that are of an age that have never been spanked at home, so the thought of going of another man's knee makes them nervous. For straight guys, with no interest in mm spanking it is a tough ask. Until they have experience it seems like they are making a gay spanking video. It is only through time they begin to understand the details of the fetish.
So bearing this in mind, I always allow the models the liberty of stopping filming for breaks whenever they want, we sometimes have to take the spanking in stages. This is what Kevin was expecting to happen.
Well everything changed! I explained to Kevin that his punishment was to accept a real spanking from me, with no breaks. Just the punishment that I deemed appropriate. His choice was accept that spanking punishment or walk away.
It was a tough choice for Kevin to make and you can see exactly what happened, every excruciating step of the way in this movie!
Straight Lads Spanked, It's Not Just Spanking, It's The Whole punishment!