Kevin - Don't Be Late
Ok so this movie ticked all sorts of new boxes for me. First of all, I am not sure, I can recall a model messing up as bad as this two shoots in a row! I do kind of despair of how young lads approach work nowadays!
Anyway, let me tell you about this... This movie features Kevin and was his second shoot with me. You may recall his first movie Kevin - Bad Start where he got spanked for real for messing me around.
Well this was meant to be Kevin's second chance. Well he was late. I mean really late!!
I really wasnt sure what I was going to do. I was tempted just to cancel the whole shoot. But as he was late and I had time to reflect on the situation and I had the realisation that I make punishment movies and Kevin clearly deserved to be punished. I realised that I was in the very unique position of actually being able to properly dish out discipline to lads that deserved it. For Real!
It's difficult to punish someone for real when they are getting paid for it. So I spent some time working out how to get around that. I hope you like my compromise!
What makes this movie so different from anything I have ever done before is that I start filming from before Kevin arrives and keep the camera running continuously until the very end. There are no breaks at all. You get to see everything, including the conversation and explanation to Kevin as to what I have planned for him.
So what you are getting here is Part One, leading up to the moment the spanking begins. I hope you like it!
Did Kevin redeem himself? I will let you be the judge on that one!