Karl - Real Punishment
The Interview
It has been some time since Karl has filmed for Straight Lads Spanked. Karl was always affectionately known as '18 Year Old Karl". Well time has passed and he is now a 20 year old young man.
There has hardly been a week that has passed when I have not had an email asking after Karl and when will he be making more movies. Well there has been very good reasons why Karly was not able to film. Some are of his own doing and some are certainly not. I have not been able to give any details of Karl's personal circumstances as I always felt it was up to him how much of his private life he divulged.
Well I'm delighted to announce that Karl is back and agreed to this very revealing, no-holds barred interview that reveals all about his rather turbulent life.

Dave, I hate you (said with affection). Another cliffhanger......

I guess my biggest question would be where were Karl's parents while their cancer-stricken son was sleeping in his car? What an unbelievably sad situation. But it sounds like Karl made a lot of his own misery and managed to throw away happiness with both hands. He had a shot at a real home and a real family and he chose to piss it away by trying to be a gigolo. Well, that's cute when you're a teenager, but not so cute when you're an adult. None of us is perfect. I made some disasterously bad decisions as a 20 year old and I'm still dealing with the fall out more than 30 years later. I only wish I'd had a kind, caring older person like Dave that I could have turned to.
My advice to Karl is to have something more than your backside to fall on and keep up with your check ups. It's good to see you back. I just wish the circumstances were better.

We all screw up I did worst then what you have done when I was 20 but I learnt from it you are lucky to have Davd to help you out. Dave I don't think for a minutes you should go easy on Kar I think he need f good hiding hopfuly get through to him and get him back on track. Kal one last thing I hope your bottom is very sore and I wish you all the best in the future

Cheryl...it all depends upon attitude. No doubt Karl has had a hard time of it; the cancer alone was and probably still is something that more or less flattened him when he got to thinking about it. HIs attitude, however, is not showing a desire, or at least an understanding, of what prison was for or the reason he was there. While Karl is Karl and it is good to see a good mental state, he is still traveling an iffy path if he doesn't get things together. It is hopeful that maybe Dave can push just that right button, so to speak, to get Karl to take a harder look at things and hopefully get back on track. Yes 20/21 is still young and time is on Karl's side right now, and hopefully the charge that got him prison time is and will be the last, but it takes honest and serious effort and commitment to set things right again. Karl just seems, I don't know, blase about things.