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Ryan - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Duration: 15:12 Size: 0.00 MB

Karl - Broken Curfew

RELEASED: 23rd October 2014

Karl - Broken Curfew

Young Karl has just been released from prison and is on a strict curfew. 

Karl has clearly not learnt his lessons and when he thinks everyone is asleep, he creeps out of the house to have the fun. Karl returns home many hours later to discover his angry father waiting for him!

His father is furious and Karl soon finds himself getting an over the knee spanking and a sound slippering!

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd October 07:08
just as im leaving for work i find this weeks movie, shall i go in late mmm i wonder, decisions decisions whats a girl to do
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 23rd October 07:14
Definitely go in late! Karl's back!!!! Your boss will understand! :)
lorilee | Voted Video 8/10 | 23rd October 07:49
Karl is looking good, I think he forgot how much one of your spankings hurts. How is boxing going for you Karl ? you did a good job and mostly welcome back hope you hang out for a while. Dave daisy is sure getting big. great job all round Thanks as always.
mr0bojangles | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd October 09:26
My apologies for the blank message, hit the button by mistake. Great to see Karl back, hope to see much more
Ooleary | Not voted video yet | 23rd October 10:00
Love that Karl is back he never disappoints .Great story and acting from Dad and Karl and not forgetting Daisy she is adorable xx . My little Karl is not so little anymore he looks so different in this movie maybe it's the hair but he's gotten cheekier and not so boyish xx
MJM | Not voted video yet | 23rd October 10:58
I liked this film a lot. Daisy looks even cuter in her pink collar. I did wonder if she would ever appear in one. Karl's got even more good looking. Yum!
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd October 13:06
S Q U E E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's KARL......finally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀😘💋💕
Yasmin | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd October 13:09
What a wonderful story. Full of love, care and respect.
I love it.
Nice to see you again, Karl.
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 23rd October 13:11
It's hard for me to decide which one was cuter--Karl or Daisy. I had no idea that Dave had anything new with Karl filmed. I'm hoping he got more than one. What a nice surprise this was. And what a sweet touch putting the pup in the film.

Karl was great in this one. I liked the tenderness that Dad displayed in this one. I like that he sat down and talked to Karl, instead of just throwing down the slipper and stalking out. Maybe it's a "girl thing" but I do like that approach better. Karl is growing into a very nice looking young man, too. I liked that Dad didn't have him strip completely, but let him keep his shirt on and only pulled his pants off down to the thighs. That just seems a touch more realistic. Well, as realistic as you can get with a 20 year old spankee lol.

Art, I'm running out of ways to say "great job". You do spoil us with the awesome editing and graphics.
Aimee | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd October 14:39
Omg what a treat to have Karl back! Amazing! He is looking GOOD!! He suits hair!! Welcome back Karl and go Dave for getting him back and doing another great dad performance. Amazing. Art as usual, editing is FAB-U-LOUS! Love love LOVED IT ALL! 💖
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 23rd October 16:40
Wow! Karl's bum gives me naughty thoughts. Love his dangly bits too. The track suit hugs his bum nicely. And did I say he has beautiful puppy dog eyes? Love love love Karl
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd October 18:20
@Domfan - was wondering what took you so long, LOL... ITS KARL!!!!!

::::does happy victory dance::::

Review to come soon... but I just have to say.... this might be my new ALL TIME FAVORITE clip... like... in the history of EVER!
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd October 18:26
Dave, feel free to not put this thru.....I have to leave a message in order for my vote to set on my iPad :::sigh:::
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 24th October 00:20
@Chiki...I literally did a double take when I saw that it was a Karl video . You know, I forgot that it was New Video day so What a nice surprise. I'm still sticking with the Karl interview vid as the better vid but this isn't far behind.
Oh and did I say Karl has the number 1 bum of all time?
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th October 06:57
Just a quick question...isn't that the same shirt Karl wore at the Interview & Real Life Spanking? it yours, Dave, part of the wardrobe you keep for the guys, or just a coincidence he wore the same shirt 2 years later?
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 24th October 07:13
Well spotted! It is the same shirt! I pointed that out to him and yes, it is his shirt. Apparently he likes it a lot! lol!
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th October 07:34
Karl can wear whatever he wants....I'm just so pleased to see him back. Did he give any indication of whether he's inclined to continue filming for SLS?
welshboy | Voted Video 9/10 | 24th October 08:03
Well I am just back, and what a great film to come back too. I have always loved Karl, and he has grown up a lot. I must say Daisy the dog is a real star and her eyes are just as cute as Karl's are. Now down to the story. Dave you keep coming up with the goods. I love this story and Karl was so right for this part. I have missed his red bottom so much. As the others have said I do hope their is more to come from Karl. Art I loved the lettering on this film well done to all.
cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th October 11:24
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th October 12:33
To say I’m pleased to see Karl back at SLS would be an understatement of
monstrous proportion. I didn’t give every clip in which Karl appears an
automatic 10/10 simply because he’s my favorite model, but this movie earns
that and more (I wish I had @Orla’s computer that gives out ratings of 28!)
I’ve only been able to watch the clip once, so there will be addendums as I
catch and remember more during subsequent viewings.

I first want to thank Dave for not only paying attention and really
listening to his audience, but for making an active effort to follow
through and realize our suggestions and wishes on film.  This movie is a
beautiful example of his tireless dedication to the members of SLS.  With
that, I have to clarify by saying he can only listen to the members that
are talking.  We have so many blogs and ways to communicate directly and
indirectly with Dave and each other on SLS that I passionately encourage
the “lurker” members to join in and get talking.  Dave is listening, and
you might make some new friends!

What I first noticed is how great Karl looks.  More hair and a few years
compliment him quite nicely! This film literally pushes every button, ticks
every box, and contains every element I wish for in a spanking film that I
hardly know where to begin!  Yes, ‘chiki at a loss for words… SHOCKING!

I wanted to address the very wise decision to use Decap Dad (short for
decapitated, sorry Dave, but that is what I call him in my own brain)
rather than Disguised Dad.  When I watch Decap Dad I get the sense of him
being younger than Disguised Dad and that works well in this application.

I love the premise of curfew, and the probation curfew fits perfectly for
Karl’s age.  Who has never dipped out while their parents were asleep to
have some fun?  The clothing over pajamas was an endearing touch.  Although
historically, Karl has never been as chatty with the dialog as Dom can be,
I found that he seems a little more comfortable talking in front of the
camera this time around.  I’m not sure if his line “I don’t know,” when Dad
asks where he’s been was planned or an example of his reluctance to ad lib,
but when he turns his head to answer Dad’s admonition to be good and
flashes those gorgeous eyes telling  Dad “Always!” with a touch of
indignation its adorable.  Parts of the dialog are predictable (I’m too old
to be spanked!) but I know that certain lines and words can be triggers for
@Aimee some people.)  While some of Karl’s dialog sounds a bit awkward, he
really shines during the spanking.

The act of nervously biting his nails while being scolded face down over
Dad’s lap is utterly charming! And while I’m well aware that the reactions
during a spanking are all genuine and Dave never asks a model to do
anything beyond what happens naturally, for me, Karl’s responses strike
that perfect balance between anxious and remorseful.   Dave, as usual your
own dialog and scolding is brilliant.  I adore that you keep women an
important element of the story.  I really enjoyed hearing Dad’s resolute
defense of his wife and the “man to man” exchange.  Of course, as soon as
Dad threw Karl on the bed I gave The Butch the “sad guppy face” (don’t ask)
and said “I hate when he does that!”  In that moment I thought back to Dave
stating in one of the blogs that he imagined Dad coming back in after the
initial anger wore off to talk to his son, and as soon as I thought it, Dad
comes back through the door!  I squealed out loud and bounced happily on
the sofa cushions!  We haven’t seen the softer side of Dad in quite a while
and to see him come back to sort things with his son felt like a victory. I
guess we can assume, since the models play the same character throughout
their careers with SLS, Karl’s Dad is just the bed-tucking-in kind and some
of the other Dads are not.  Say-Say is happy. 😃 😊 😁 😍 😘 💋
Lynne | Voted Video 9/10 | 24th October 14:45
I have to start this just awwwwing over Daisy :); what a sweet girl. She seems very comfy in that bed :).

Now, Karl.

I agree with the others that Karl has matured quite nicely. He did seem a little more sensitive this time, perhaps from being away so long?, less stoic than in his previous vids...thinking back to his scenes with Bailey and just how much he could take....or maybe this was a second shoot for the day?

Karl, the real Karl not son Karl, was there though and made me chuckle. "I didn't mean to do it"..."of course you meant to do it, what you just accidentally slipped out at night?", Karl's perfect response back...."yeah," with a laugh, which of course turned to a quick grimace :).

Welcome back Karl :).
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 24th October 15:58
Karl's best features: 1. Eyes 2. Bum 3. Smile 4. Balls 5. Other dangly bits 6. Voice 7. Attitude 8. Bum again 9. Legs 10. I love Karl
Dom has some hard work to do to get back to being number 1
red1967 | Voted Video 10/10 | 24th October 16:49
Love the movie Karl was very good I have only watched a couple of movies with Karl in them still working my way around. As other have pointed out we see the softer side of dad please more like this Thank you Dave Art Karl and of course Daisy she so cute
nanarr | Voted Video 8/10 | 25th October 02:46
Enjoyed seeing Karl again. This one had everything I like in it ... OTK, scolding (especially when Dad came back into the room). He has nice hair ... hope he continues to let it grow out a bit. Physically he's looking good; he looks more mature (funny the difference a couple of years makes).

Loved Miss Daisy Darling's film debut ... such a cutie! Tell us Dave, did Daisy tattle on Karl? Maybe because he didn't take her with him?

Art, great graphics at the end and, as always, loved the split screen. Another spectacular job!

Dave, great scenario and scolding ... you are the master!! Karl, bang up acting!

Chiki, you mentioned Karl's dialog was awkward. Poor Karl has always been awkward with dialog.
matt | Voted Video 9/10 | 25th October 17:11
Fantastic new clip! It's great to have Karl back. He's the perfect Straight Lads Spanked model: boyish but totally masculine, sexy, handsome, great butt, and he's become a really good actor. He's always been one of my favorites and, as everyone else has said, he looks better than ever. So cute. The longer hair is great on him. He's just naturally good and totally believable as an actor. Perfect naughty boy who's too old to be spanked but deserves to get spanked anyway. Great scenario, Dave. Love the OTK, scolding, dad/son, etc. Couldn't be happier about this one. As always, cut beautifully by Art, and perfectly acted by Mr. X and Karl. Please keep Karl around if possible. Love to see him over the knee again soon. He's become a total star. Thanks all.
Rasputin | Voted Video 7/10 | 25th October 17:32
I for one don't mind that Karl is looking a little older than he was before - I'm not a "twink fan". He's still boyishly cute and likable, however, all to his favor. I also think that Daisy is cute, and it was a good idea to work her into the story.

Perhaps in the future Karl can be persuaded to work out more to enhance his upper-body musculature (chest, shoulders, arms, etc.), and he can display a more demonstrative response to his spankings - i.e. more squirming, kicking, grimacing, groaning, yelping, etc. I would have given this video a 9 out of 10 rating if Karl were more muscular and had reacted more demonstratively to his punishment.

Still, a 7 out of 10 rating ain't bad.
tlaser | Not voted video yet | 25th October 18:42
this boy was made for that haircut and polo shirt. so damn cute. Iove how you give his ear a good workout, both physically and verbally.
millie | Voted Video 10/10 | 28th October 04:57
its my day off and the phone is off so no calls from work,Karl your back fantastic we have missed you the reasons are as unknown as yet but i believe they are downloading as we speak, im so excited, i really enjoyed your movie, great acting such an innocent face and i love the hair cut, the story line was fab, Dad was great as usual well done Dave a little touching the way you put it all over to Karl anger fear all the true emotions and Karl responded well was this talked about before the movie was made, its now my fav Karl movie and thanks every body for making this one well done
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 31st October 16:14
I think we should all take a moment here to appreciate that Dave managed to make a believable "night" for this film. I know myself and some others have mentioned what I call the "SLS midnight sun," and Dave thought about all the details in this one. PERFECTION!
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 31st October 17:00
I think we should also mention how well Karl and Daisy got on. When he left the room, she jumped off the bed and followed him. I could hear her claws on the floor (watch that with laminate flooring, Dave! lol). My favorite part of the whole film was where he said "I'm going out. Don't tell Dad" and she acted like she was listening to him. It was so precious my toes curled :D
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 31st October 18:03
@Cheryl - absolutely! In his spanked/caned/school clip he pets and is affectionate toward Charlie. You can tell he likes animals, unlike some of the models who shove or nudge the cats out of their way. Another reason I adore Karl, that cheeky brat!!
Lynne | Voted Video 9/10 | 1st November 04:55
Well, we have to give Liam a pass on nudging the cat aside given that he is allergic to them :). I did smile at Karl's interaction with Daisy; Daisy is so utterly cute :). Her eyes as she looks up at Karl, were saying "whatcha' doin'?" then, "hey, wait for me" as he walked out and she jumped down.
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 10/10 | 1st November 05:42
Ok, and also I'm so, so thrilled that this featured a "pants down" not "pants off" spanking. When its a family thing, Dad, Stepdad, Uncle, or Friend's Dad I find it a little creepy when the spankee is asked to disrobe entirely. Thinking about that further, I don't really mind so much if its Dad and the son only has on his shorts to begin with, like after some of the BBBlues clips. Thats just for convenience, and I can pacify myself by saying "thats his dad, who changed his diapers and has seen him nekkid a million times, for goodness sake. Nothing creepy here..."

Anyone else have any kind of pants off/pants down preference? Just curious...
Lynne | Voted Video 9/10 | 1st November 06:46
Not sure of preference per se but the reasoning as per several conversations. Completely unclothed adds a perception of vulnerability (which to me isn't a perception but a true vulnerability) besides adding to the embarrassment.

Now, using the Mr X vs Dad idea. Mr X is designed/identified (insert description of choice here) as a neutral party disciplinarian and as such that added vulnerability and embarrassment would be designed to make sure a repeat visit is avoided.

As Dad gets involved, either way leads to the Dad/son dynamic essentially saying, I don't care how you are dressed, I am here to make a point. Of course "dad" has gone through the entire disrobing sequence but agreed, it does seem to play a different part when at least the shirt is allowed to stay in place. There have been several vids where the guys have kept their shirts/pajama tops. Oliver Stole, Bailey in his BBB, Liam in what was it titled, Bedtime Spanking(?).

Nice way to answer the question without actually answering it :) I go with the dynamics of the scene.
Cherylkay | Voted Video 9/10 | 1st November 06:52
I wouldn't call it a preference, but I do like the visual of pants around the thighs. I like it whether the spankee is male or female. Pants pulled to thigh level is a very nice visual for me, especially if the spankee is a kicker like Parker. I do find the nudity in the domestic scenes a bit creepy. Not that there's anything really wrong with the guys getting nekkid :) But I just find it a bit unnerving in the domestic situations.
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