Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Spanking Video
This male male spanking video follows on directly from this previous spanking video starring Josh.
Jenson and Josh were fighting in a nightclub and were brought home by the Police. Both lads were in serious trouble. Their saving grace was that the Police Officer was a friend of their fathers. He gave their Dad one last chance to save the guys from further consequences if he agreed to suitably punish Jenson himself.
Jenson knows he is in for a sever thrashing and has all day to think about what will happen when his Dad gets home from work. Having being belted before, Jenson understands what is expected of him and strips off with his bare bottom exposed ready to get thrashed with Dad's belt.
Dad comes home and takes no time at all in removing his belt and bringing it down on Jenson quivering bottom! In this spanking video we see Jenson's pale, white bottom change into a deep red colour.
Dad does not hold back and the belt really leaves it's mark. All Jenson can do is try and get through the ordeal.