RELEASED: 25th January 2019

Marco & Jason
Spanked By The Boss
When we last called in at the bank, we saw the boss arriving just as Jason was nearing the end of a spanking by his line manager, Marco, after he was caught smoking inside the building.
At the start of this week's exciting new male spanking movie from Straight Lads Spanked, the boss is interviewing Marco and Jason in a bid to, well, get to the bottom of the whole story.
Marco tries hard to justify pulling down the lad's pants and administering a spanking, but the boss is clearly unconvinced by his side of the story. And when Marco expresses the opinion that the only way young people learn is by getting their bottoms spanked, the die is cast! The boss announces that Marco has overstepped his authority; that he has clearly learned nothing from the incident with Felicity several months ago, and that he can either be spanked himself, or the police will be called in!
Marco tries hard to defend his decision to punish the junior employee, but succeeds only in stiffening the boss's resolve. As Jason grins broadly at the prospect of witnessing what is about to happen, Marco appeals to the boss to have Jason leave the room - but to no avail. Over the boss's knee he goes, for a spanking that starts on the seat of his tight-fitting suit trousers.
When the boss stands Marco up again, he thinks that his punishment is over.... but no. "Pull your trousers down," orders the boss. When Marco hesitates a moment too long, the boss takes matters into his own hands and pulls the manager's trousers down himself. He puts him back over his knee, and before he knows what is happening, Marco is feeling the boss's hand warming the seat of his tight white pants!
When Jason begins talking about telling his friends and writing a Facebook post about his manager's comeuppance, the boss has to set him straight and remind him that what is happening in the office has to stay in the office!
Marco is told to strip and bend back over the boss's knee. He tries to resist, and protests again that Jason should not be present, but he finds that resistance is futile. Naked, he bends over again and is spanked hard on his bare bottom.... exactly as he had done just a few minutes before to Jason. Marco pleads for the boss to stop, but he continues smacking the younger man's muscular bare buttocks.... and then asks Jason to pass him the ruler!
The boss orders Marco to bend over the table with his bare bottom out and his legs spread.... and begins to administer a hard smacking with the ruler, which Marco has to count out, just as he had had Jason do.
It's not been Marco's finest hour at the office, but if he thought things couldn't get any worse, he has another think coming! He is shocked when the boss hands the ruler to Jason and asks him to dispense the final five smacks! This is one disciplinary procedure that Marco won't be forgetting in a hurry!
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