Jason & Charlie
Brother In Charge
Part 19
You've got to feel sorry for poor Jason, haven't you? In this week's brand-new male spanking video from Straight Lads Spanked, the cheeky pup finds himself in hot water yet again. With Mum and Dad away on holiday, he thought the coast was clear for him to bunk off from college for the afternoon.... but when he comes home, thinking he'll have the place to himself, who should be there but big brother Charlie, rained off from work! Dad has told Charlie in no uncertain terms to keep an eye on Jason while he's away, and Charlie always takes his responsibilities very seriously.... especially because he knows what he will get from Dad if he doesn't!
So when Jason refuses to go back to college, Charlie tells him that Dad has left him in charge during his absence, and that he will deal with him the same way Dad would, with a spanking! Ignoring Jason's protests, Charlie makes it very clear that he means business when he sends the young skiver off to fetch a slipper, and when he brings it back and hurls it at Charlie, Jason quickly finds himself over his big brother's knee, getting a well-deserved spanking on the seat of his tight-fitting jeans with Charlie's powerful hand and the rubber-soled slipper.
It's probably safe to assume that Jason was already wishing he had just stayed at college! Charlie tries to tell him that he is only looking out for him, but you can tell that Jason is thinking his brother has got a funny way of showing it! That's no excuse to swear at Charlie, though, and it only results in Jason being told to take down his jeans and get back over Charlie's knee to get the seat of his tight blue pants well warmed. As a responsible older brother, Charlie has been doing his best to teach his kid brother a valuable lesson abut sticking in at college and getting an education, but it's pretty obvious from Jason's stroppy attitude that the message isn't getting through.... so Charlie pulls down the lad's pants to see if a good hard spanking on the bare behind will do anything to educate Jason on the perils of a smart mouth! Eventually, with a very red and sore smacked bottom, Jason's hard-learned lesson hits home and he begins to see the error of his ways.
Charlie, ever forgiving, tells him he will drive him back to college and then the two of them can hang out in the evening. All's well that ends well.... even if Jason was almost certainly going to be sleeping on his tummy that night!