Harry is an angry young man. He was mainly brought up by his Stepfather. He was brought up well but Harry could never accept his Stepfather. As Harry got older he started going to the gym and working out. One day this strapping young teenager took out his frustrations oft life on his innocent Stepdad and punched him hard.
His Stepfather was badly hurt....
Harry's mother could not bear to see any more of this so gave her unruly son an ultimatum; Go and visit the local community spanker Mr X for punishment or leave home!
Cocky young Harry thought Mr X would be a breeze!
Harry was wrong!
Harry was not expecting to be verbally told off as well and found a lot of the truths Mr X had to say tough to take. Harry thought he was tough...... Harry soon discovered that when he was stripped naked and over Mr X's knee getting spanked hard that he was not tought at all.
This muscled young man learned some real, painful life lessons.

Harry's acting has improved since his last movie as well. He was a bit too stoic at the beginning, but as the spanking intensified he became more demonstrative - kicking, squirming, grimacing, yelping, etc. If he is just a little bit less stoic the next time, his acting will be just about right. (Maybe Andy or Bailey can give him lessons. :-) )
Keep up the good work, guys.

Art excelled himself with the graphics in this movie. I'm glad someone ha commented on this! The end credits are different in every movie. I always look forward to seeing what he will do next! :)

As for Harry's 'acting' skills. Let me explain. I don't coach the guys on how to act. They are nit acting when getting spanked. The reason Harry was stoic at the beginning and then becoming more demonstrative as the spanking intensified was because it hurt less at the beginning and then became more uncomfortable. What you are seeing here is real, genuine reactions to a very real spanking. Would you prefer that the guys acted that it was painful when it was not? I always though that people preferred to see real spankings and real reactions?