RELEASED: 18th July 2013
Dom has been reckless! He has been using Twitter, he has no idea that his Dad has been reading his tweets!
Dad has read it all!
Dom is caught!
Dom gets punished!
Over The Knee!
Bare Bottom
Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox

cheekychap |
Not voted video yet | 19th July 08:02
Wow, Dave, when did you go to the beautician?? :-)

Dave - Straight Lads Spanked |
Not voted video yet | 19th July 08:40

welshboy |
Voted Video 10/10 | 20th July 00:28
Well what can I say about this video, when I first looked at the trailer I was thinking " what the hell" who did Dave get to play this part of the Dad. Well done Dave what you did was so good, I had to laugh. The story was the best you have done so far. I loved the dialogue between you and Dom. Well done to Art for lots of close ups on Dom's face and bum. Dom was a real star in this one. As always I love a little ear pulling, and lastly great underwear Dom.

tinhead1 |
Not voted video yet | 20th July 03:49
Oh my God, Dom just got spanked by Michael Myers out of the Halloween films (albeit wearing glasses!)...

lorilee |
Voted Video 9/10 | 20th July 06:20
I must say what a scary father, Love the new look Dave. As for Dom he gets better every time, think say a tear in his eye, The whole thing was well executed, and love the script , I like the fact that this models can do more then gust get spanked, Great work Art on the graphics and sound effects

wardcoleman |
Voted Video 10/10 | 20th July 16:46
Excellent video, superb acting from both of you. Dom did a really great job and took a serious spanking. Its always a pleasure to see Dom get a sore bottom.

onkelben |
Not voted video yet | 21st July 16:06
My compliments to your make-up man. Scary and a bit weird, but much better than the Lone-Ranger style.
Film was fun to watch too, as are a number of your films.
Film was fun to watch too, as are a number of your films.

tlaser |
Voted Video 9/10 | 22nd July 17:26
I have to say I really enjoyed the realistic mask. It is a much better alternative to the burglar ski mask, and it really elevates the 'dad' to a whole new kind of villain while making the boy appear ultimately more attractive in contrast, if that is even possible! While I love the occasion ear tugs while he's over your knee, nothing quite compares to a tough young lad being greeted at the front door by an angry dad, taken firmly by the earlobe, and marched awkwardly and painfully to his bedroom. Please please please consider doing more of this!

cami |
Voted Video 10/10 | 28th July 16:33
My husband took his lap top & i did not know it. we down loaded the movie & it took forever thats what you get when you trust a cheap hotel with free wi-fi . lol. but we got the movie down loaded 45 mins later lol. but it was in & out so we stopped looking at it. but my husband was cracking up on the story lines & he said DAMN Mr.X or Dad who ever he said you went around the world with oliver's ass . lol . i can't believe it my husband saw or try to see your movie. but he said you are doing awesome cuz he said you made him say " OH DAMN HE IS BEATING THAT ASS" lol. well the down load it finish going to watch it now & let you know what i think...

Rasputin |
Voted Video 9/10 | 28th July 19:16
This is the first time I have seen Dom in one of your videos, Dave. A fine-looking lad, and a pretty good actor as well.
And I must say that you wearing that mask is preferable to you wearing a ski mask. Now if you could just find a more attractive mask! ..... :-)
And I must say that you wearing that mask is preferable to you wearing a ski mask. Now if you could just find a more attractive mask! ..... :-)

rak61 |
Voted Video 10/10 | 4th August 16:38
great film!!! LOVE IT!!

frederic |
Voted Video 10/10 | 10th August 14:01
i have to say this is the best film that you have done so far. So much better without the ski mask and Dom is just fantastic, really cute, great bottom and a good actor. Great seeing him come home and angry dad waiting for him. Great underwear too and great seeing them pulled down. more like this please.

windycity1 |
Voted Video 10/10 | 22nd August 06:12
I agree with Frederic. More like this please. This is the best video to date- has a proper narrative which unfolds, a cocky lad that slowly becomes contrite and then imortal lines from Dom like " please don't spank me" and then " please, no, not bare bottom". Fantastic. You should create a scene with Dom and his friend Wayne where they bunk off a PE lesson at school, get found out, and report to the teacher in the gym after school. Without any kit it means just their underwear. They then do star jumps, sit ups, squat thrusts etc before being given their marks for effort. Then they will be punished. Either that, or it's exclusion which would be a disaster with exams and college references coming up. Plus their parents would be livid and so ashamed. So, despite being embarrassed and at first quite arrogant in denial, the lads accept the detention PE lesson and punishment. Would Dom and Wayne be up for this? I think it would be great fun and tick all the right boxes. Thanks for such a great site.

Beccan |
Voted Video 10/10 | 2nd September 06:12
Just love this movie! Love how dom is correcting his dad and trying to deny everything that stands on his twitter.
I think these father / son movies are the best!
I think these father / son movies are the best!

Dave - Straight Lads Spanked |
Not voted video yet | 2nd September 06:22
Sooo glad you enjoyed it! I will deffo be doing more of these! :)

jamesy500 |
Voted Video 9/10 | 26th February 10:27
One of my favourite vids. I love the dialogue and - accidentally or on purpose - many of my favourite 'fetish' moments are included ... pants pulling issues, suspense, humiliation, begging, OTK, the bedroom scenario, dad/son.powerplays. I'd ask for each of the Straight Lads to be put in this exact scenario with identical dialogue because it hits so many of my buttons. I'd especially like to see Adam do this as his innocence and boyish looks are just ripe for it.

Dave - Straight Lads Spanked |
Not voted video yet | 9th March 04:53
Glad you liked it Jamesy500, I and no idea this movie would end up being so popular! It really did seem to tick a lot of buttons for a lot of people! :)

uchikimatsu |
Voted Video 9/10 | 1st May 18:05
This movie gets 9/10 for Dave's hair alone.
Also, for the delivery and inflection on the line "I've got myself an iPhone, that's what I've got!"
Dom was excellent! You both pulled off the humor brilliantly with great natural timing in the dialog, good job, guys!
Also, for the delivery and inflection on the line "I've got myself an iPhone, that's what I've got!"
Dom was excellent! You both pulled off the humor brilliantly with great natural timing in the dialog, good job, guys!

Dave - Straight Lads Spanked |
Not voted video yet | 2nd May 04:37
I'm glad you enjoyed this one uchikimatsu. Dad's hair was pretty wild! The funniest part of the dialogue was that Dom really had no idea what 'Dad' was going to say next, so every reaction he gave was just spontaneous and natural..

Aimee1234 |
Voted Video 8/10 | 14th May 15:18
Oops i hit totally the wrong rating for this and it wont let me reset it. I will keep trying and rate it correctly :-)

Dave - Straight Lads Spanked |
Not voted video yet | 14th May 15:24
Hi, I've removed your rating! So feel free to try again!

Aimee1234 |
Voted Video 8/10 | 14th May 16:40
Thank you Dave :-)

nanarr |
Voted Video 9/10 | 22nd May 21:23
This one is too cute and funny ... really enjoyed it!
Sorry, Dave, you scared me at first with the fright mask, then I kept looking at it ... hilarious. Listening to Dad misspeak the gadgets and Dom trying to correct him had me laughing out loud. That was great!
Yall's interaction during the spanking was perfect. Dom pleading, Dad scolding and spanking pushed my buttons. Loved the OTK spanking. My only criticism about the WTYFGH movies (although I like them) is that there is no OTK. You just come in and start putting pillows under them. Hope you don't take offense. As you can tell, OTK is my very favorite position.
Has Dom moved on to other things? Hope he's doing alright.
Sorry, Dave, you scared me at first with the fright mask, then I kept looking at it ... hilarious. Listening to Dad misspeak the gadgets and Dom trying to correct him had me laughing out loud. That was great!
Yall's interaction during the spanking was perfect. Dom pleading, Dad scolding and spanking pushed my buttons. Loved the OTK spanking. My only criticism about the WTYFGH movies (although I like them) is that there is no OTK. You just come in and start putting pillows under them. Hope you don't take offense. As you can tell, OTK is my very favorite position.
Has Dom moved on to other things? Hope he's doing alright.

[email protected] |
Voted Video 10/10 | 23rd August 11:59
This movie i watch again and again it's one of my all time faves Dom is a great the dialogue, his cheeky grin, cute little butt even though dad looks scary i think he's fair Orla

Cherylkay |
Voted Video 10/10 | 29th September 00:25
I can see why this one has been so popular. It has a lot going for it...the gorgeous Dom, Dave's excellent dialogue (you're really funny here!), great spanking, and a believable story line. It also involves the timely topic of younger people thinking (whether rightly or wrongly) that the older generation is tech challenged. Dom is brilliant here as the kid who's just a bit too clever for his own good. Dave, I loved the push and pull between you and Dom. He at first admits nothing, going so far as to say it's not his account, etc. and you pulling the truth out of him. I liked the closed in feeling of shooting in a real bedroom. Sometimes, when things are wide open and airy, some of the effect is lost. But when the spanking is filmed in an enclosed area, it feels far more intimate and "domestic". I'm not sure I'm making much sense here so I'll just say that, when I was a kid, most of the spankings in our home were carried out in a bedroom, so for me, getting spanked in one's bedroom feels more authentic.
This is a great video and both Dave and Dom are to be congratulated. I thought the movie struck the right balance between humor, with Dad calling the different things by the wrong name and some pathos, where he shows just how hurt he is by his son's uncaring attitude. I'll be giving this one 10/10 when I vote.
Art, very, very nice job on the editing here. I'm struck by how seamless everything is.
And I just want to add that I'm extremely glad that my own father won't be finding my Twitter account LOL.
This is a great video and both Dave and Dom are to be congratulated. I thought the movie struck the right balance between humor, with Dad calling the different things by the wrong name and some pathos, where he shows just how hurt he is by his son's uncaring attitude. I'll be giving this one 10/10 when I vote.
Art, very, very nice job on the editing here. I'm struck by how seamless everything is.
And I just want to add that I'm extremely glad that my own father won't be finding my Twitter account LOL.