RELEASED: 22nd February 2019

Your Bet Your Ass
Well, if we thought that Dad had nipped Christian's little gambling habit in the bud with the smacked bottom he gave him after finding a slip for a £375 bet in the pocket of his jeans a few weeks ago.... we were wrong!
On that occasion, Dad more or less dragged the wayward lad out of the bath to warm his behind good and proper, with a spanking that should have taught him once and for all that gambling is a mug's game.
But at the start of this week's new male corporal punishment video from Straight Lads Spanked, Dad confronts Christian once again after he reveals that he has opened the lad's bank statement.... and discovered that he has only £10.47 left in his account, only a week after his wages were paid! And proof of where the money has gone comes in the shape of a transfer of £410 to an online casino. Caught red-handed? You bet your ass!
It's no surprise that Dad is furious. Out of a drawer, he produces a fearsome-looking hairbrush. And it is obvious from Christian's reaction that the lad knows exactly what he plans to do with it.
Dad puts the foolish youngster over his knee and spanks him hard with his hand on the seat of his tight jeans, before ordering him to pass him the brush. A well-deserved whacking follows that soon has Christian saying he is sorry and begging Dad to stop, but it's clear that Dad has got no intention of stopping until his son is a lot sorrier than this! Standing the lad up again, he pulls down his jeans and puts him back over his knee to apply his firm hand and the brush to the seat of Christian's bright red pants.
It's not long before Christian is sobbing audibly, but Dad is plainly suspicious as to whether or not the tears are for real. "If they're not real now," he adds, "they're going to be by the time I'm finished with you, young man!"
A long session with hand and brush leaves Christian wriggling in pain on his dad's lap. But then it's time for those pants to come down.... and the lad can't keep from rubbing his bottom, which we can now see is almost as red as his underwear.
Back over Dad's knee he goes, to be soundly spanked on his bare bottom. As the punishment proceeds, Dad voices how he proposes to deal with his errant boy. He is going to put an app on his phone to stop him gambling on it; Christian is going to have his wages paid into Dad's bank account, and he will give him pocket money; and they will be attending a gamblers' support group in town. The lad's gambling habit is a problem, but Dad is obviously determined to, well, get to the bottom of it!
After some final hard spanking with the brush, and a volley of rapid-fire smacks with Dad's hand, Christian is sent to the corner to rub his sore bare bottom and think about how silly he has been. You might expect him to have learned his lesson properly this time.... but let's just say I wouldn't bet on it!
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