Old Fashioned Spanking
This movie featuring straight builder Chris depicts a traditional, no nonsense, old fashioned spanking.
If you rent a room you must pay your rent. Chris seems to have a problem understanding this part of the deal and is late with his rent. His kindly landlord has run out of patience so decides that some punishment is in order.
This punishment is an old fashioned spanking. A spanking that is designed to leave the recipient with a very sore bottom indeed. A continuous spanking that pushes the lad beyond what he can comfortably endure!
We get to see a real change as the reality of what is happening sinks in!
This spanking video does not have much build up or dialogue. Just an old fashioned bare bottom spanking!
""More from producer Dave, as it happens Chris was actually renting a room from me and he wasn't keeping up with his rent payments. So this movie is extremely realistic and I took some pleasure in the making of this production!""