Charlie & John
Brother In Charge
Part 16
Oh, silly, silly John.....will he never learn? When we first see him in this week's new male spanking video from Straight Lads Spanked, he is texting his friend Jason to invite him round for a quiet smoke.... and we're not talking an after-dinner cigar.
At least he thinks it's Jason he is texting. He gets a shock when it is not Jason but his big (and I do mean big!) brother, Charlie, who arrives, having intercepted the message.... and he's not at all happy about what John has been suggesting to his kid brother!
He reveals that he knows Andy, and all about the retribution he has had occasion to dispense in the past.... and now he is going to do the same thing!
A furious Charlie hauls the young waster over his knee to spank him hard, with a powerful right arm, across the seat of his trousers. He is clearly surprised, therefore, when John tells him that he is glad it is him doing the spanking and not Andy.... because he is "spanking like a girl"! Well, you have to admit – what the lad is lacking in good sense, he makes up for in cajones!
That is Charlie's cue to pull down John's trousers and continue his spanking, in a decidedly un-girly fashion, on the seat of his tight pants.... while holding him firmly by the ear and warning that he had better stop texting his brother, or he will get much worse next time!
Any sensible lad would have kept schtumm at that point, but not our John. Oh no. He chooses that precise moment, while bent over Charlie's knee with his trousers down, to tell him that Jason doesn't have any other friends, and that everybody calls him 'Billy no-mates'!
That is the last straw for an infuriated Charlie, who tells John to pull his pants down before hoiking him up over one raised knee to spank his bare bottom while his legs dangle helplessly high off the ground.
By the time John eventually starts pleading for his punishment to stop, promising that he has learned his lesson, he is visibly shellshocked, with a face almost as red as his well smacked bottom. When Charlie leaves, and John pulls his pants down again to inspect the damage, he is clearly feeling very sorry for himself.... Whether he is sorry enough to have really learned his lesson, of course, remains to be seen!