Pays For His Debts
Part Five
This latest gay spanking video follows on from Part Four.
Fresh from the shower Callum is keen to speak to Dad, He has a lot on his mind and has been reflecting on his recent bad behaviour that has led to lots of spankings from Dad.
Callum admits that he has been acting like a brat! A real, spoiled brat. He feels really guilty about the way he has been behaving and wants some forgiveness.
Callum tells Dad that he deserves to be spanked! Really spanked! In fact to make things right ne needs a spanking from all the impliments that Dad has used previously. including the bath brush belt and carpet beater!
This movie contains scenes of a very harsh spanking!
"More from Producer Dave. This movie was never really meant to happen. I certainly never imagined this series would end up with 5 parts. It was actually Callum's amazing performance in Part Four that made me realise I simply had to make this movie. His acting in Part Four was incredibly good. In fact it was so realistic that I think it was easy to have ZERO sympathy for the brat that he portrayed. So it was really important for me to show a different side of Callum. I hope you enjoy this final installment of this story."