Brother In Charge - Part Three - Patrick & Dan
Things have gone from bad to worse with the Lee brothers!
Big brother Andy has tried and clearly failed to keep his two younger brothers in line. So he goes for the last resort and sends them to Mr X to be dealt with!
In Part One Andy rescued his little brother Patrick from the police cells and dished out his own punishment.
In Part Two it was the youngest brother Dan that misbehaved and he too was put over Andy's knee for a hard spanking...
In this movie both Patrick and Dan are sent to Mr X the local community spanker. Both brothers receive a long hard, humiliating spanking. It was especially tough for these so called mach brothers to be stripped naked and spanked in front of each other.
""""More from Mr X, even though this was the final part of this series it was actually the first movie Dan had shot and his first ever spanking! He had only turned 18 several days beforehand and had flown over from Ireland to spend time with his brothers! When the brothers had explained to Dan about their work with Straight Lads Spanked, Dan decided he wanted to join in and earn some extra spending money!
Even though you don't see Andy in this movie, he was also in the room whilst it was being filmed. I must admit to feeling a little nervous as both Andy and Patrick were watching me spank their little brother! Thankfully they thought it was amusing and didn't beat me up!
Real Brothers - Real Spankings!

I loved how patrick said to MR.X that he will take the extra spankings if dan does not have to see him butt naked. & MR.X said no lol. they both got what they was coming to them. I so loved this one big time cuz it has Patrick & Dan in it . my 2 fav especially patrick :) ummmmmmmmm that man is so fine shoot all the lee brothers are ummmmmmmmmm lmao. oh k i'm married :P ALLL MAN SUCH GOOD LOOKING & SEXY MEN YUMMMMM :) P.S don't worry MR.X i got your back andy & patrick will never bet you up. cuz they will be sacred what you will do after it. lmao well done i loved this movie so much i'm going to watch it again , again , again .. Art great job on this movie & dave like always awesome work with these story's :)