Old Fashioned Spanking
This movie features an intense, no nonsense OTK hand spanking.
The inspiration for this movie came from a suggestion from member "Billenkoek1984" who gave some input in the "Reasons For Punishment" blog.
He described a punishment from Dad that involved a relentless hand spanking to an unruly grown-up son. I liked the description and it got me thinking that it would be a nice change to make a Father/Son movie that did not involve a lot of dialogue and really just concentrated on the spanking and punishment.
I also decided that I wanted to make this movie as realistic as I possibly could and decided that it would be filmed in one complete take with absolutely no breaks in the spanking so that I could capture 100% real reactions from the model.
So I discussed what I wanted to do with Bradley and he told me that he was up for it. I really hope you like the end result. Bradley's reaction was beyond what I could have hoped for. Including tears!
Oh and make sure you watch the movie all the way to the end!
Let me know what you think of this and whether you would like to see more movies in this style? Don't worry though, I will always continue to make movies that include lots of lecturing. But I also like the idea of occasionally making movies like this that allow the audience to fill in the gaps as to what might have happened that led to a spanking like this.