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Duration: 27:52 Size: 0.00 MB

Andy & Ryan - Caught In Girls Changing Rooms

RELEASED: 8th May 2014

Caught In Girls Changing Rooms

Andy Lee & Ryan

Andy Lee will never learn from his past mistakes it seems!

Rather than just going to the gym and working out like most other lads, Andy has to get up to mischief. He was caught once again in the girls changing rooms. This time he involved his gym buddy Ryan.

22 year old straight lad has never been is serious trouble before. Ryan has never been sent to visit Mr X before!

Ryan is about to receive his first ever spanking!

Andy and Ryan argue over who is to blame. All mr X is interested in though is dishing out the appropriate punishment.

These two men are made to gradually strip naked in front of each other and watch as the other receives a hard hand spanking!

As it is Andy Lee's second visit he also gets a taste of the belt too!

Two straight lads, humiliated, shames, spanked, sorry & sore! 

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
cami | Voted Video 10/10 | 8th May 10:41
Andy as always great job :) good to see you again. & Mr.x just love how you get the story lines together to make them come to life.. Art as always great job again :) but for Ryan WOW you did an awesome job i must say. Your reaction you acted very well you took the spanking very well & i saw the interview you did with Mr.x/Andy saying you might but not sure if you will come back. Well it would be great to see you again. That is just my opinion. You are very cute & i think you should hang out with only Dan cuz he only seen Mr.X 1 time lmao ..... But if you do come to SLP Ryan , well then welcome to the Family.. JOB WELL DONE EVERYONE..
lorilee | Voted Video 9/10 | 8th May 14:03
Andy was great as always, Andy always put on a believable story and you follow his over all story so well it is just like a everyday true life Andy adventure This is so why sls is my fav sight. Ryan you did a wonderful job for your first video I see great thinks for you hope you stay around a while you said you were nervous at the beginning I could hardly tell, Hats of to Art loved the end and editing, And Dave what can I say but thanks and keep them coming.
nanarr | Voted Video 8/10 | 8th May 21:41
Mr X , thanks for early video posting. Everything was done with the usual excellence by you, Art, and the models. You have spoiled us for other sites and videos (but I don't mind being spoiled). Andy, you acted contrite for getting Ryan involved in your shenanigans. You've become such a pro making these movies, it's a pleasure to see you work. Ryan, you also did a good job. Hope you consider coming back.
nanarr | Voted Video 8/10 | 8th May 21:46
Mr X, just realized you changed my user name. Thank you so much for your help.
uchikimatsu | Not voted video yet | 9th May 12:31
Ryan did beautifully! A little bit of nervousness and anxiety is just what we want and expect from a first time visitor to the scary Mr. X! I hope he comes to the site to see our reviews and is encouraged to return! I loved the way Ryan kept facing the corner to avoid having to watch Andy's spanking! Ryan is also very good at giving more than just one syllable answers to Mr. X's questions, and I know that e all enjoyed seeing him get extra for swearing!
2100Summit | Not voted video yet | 9th May 16:25
You all do a great job---Once you had a man named Clark who was great--I always hoped he would do another video would he ever appear in another video thanks
r1108 | Voted Video 9/10 | 10th May 13:37
I admit I have been waffling back and forth on this one and it is going to depend upon Ryan and his reactions. The overall vid was good :), no denying that, but I can't help but think Ryan was overacting things just a little bit. Now, if he was really that nervous and his figurative hiding (covering his face, shaking his head etc) and language was true and not just pre-shoot prep, it ups the quality :) I seem to remember Dave saying something previously that it can be difficult to get Andy together with someone else and keep control and it looks like he had his hands full with these two :) Two particular lines I laughed at..."you seem to go through friends quickly because they end up here" then Andy's return "It's their fault." Yep, all of that is quite true but hey, it has made some very interesting vids :) One thing I would love to see is Andy's initial conversations with these guys where he reveals all and then ropes them in to making a vid.
uchikimatsu | Not voted video yet | 11th May 05:57
@r1108 - admittedly Ryan did seem to play up the antics just a bit, however, I chalked it up to his first time on camera and his first time being spanked. I liken that sort of thing to being shy and walking into a party where you don't know anyone else and not knowing what to do with your hands. His responses during the the punishment seemed genuine, though, and that is most important to me! All the models have to "act" for the storyline, feign surprise at their fate, run lines about stealing from Mum, muster anger, anxiety, contrition, etc. If Ryan returns, and I certainly hope he does, that part will only get better with practice!
Rasputin | Voted Video 8/10 | 11th May 08:54
This will probably be the last video we will have from Andy in a while, which saddens me. (I know he will continue to make videos when he's on holiday from the rigs, but that will be a while from now.) I know this is a great career move for him, but I will miss him badly. :-(

Oh well, back to the video review. Andy gave his usual excedllent performance. This big, beefy, charming Irish bear looked very fetching in those purple boxer-briefs.

Newcomer Ryan is off to a good start with a good, demonstrative performance. He's good-looking with a smooth, athletic body without the distractions of Andy's excessive tattoos. (LOL. Sorry, Andy - you're a handsome guy, but you'd look a lot better without all those tattoos. :-) )

Hint - Ryan should wear tighter-fitting, skimpier underwear (i.e., more like a Speedo) to enhance the appeal of his smooth, athletic physique. I'd have given this video a 9 rating if he had worn tight, skimpy briefs.
matt | Voted Video 9/10 | 11th May 11:06
I love this video! I love a double OTK spanking so this was right up my alley. Ryan is a fantastic new model. I liked his interview but I couldn't tell how sexy his body was until I saw the actual video. He's perfect for the site. He's boyish but totally masculine and he has a perfect, smooth, muscular body. He's also really handsome and did a great job with the acting, in my opinion. Andy is, as always, a star. Handsome, sexy, naughty, and a great actor. I know we'll be seeing less of him which is a shame since he's my favorite of the boys as a spanker. Although he also looks great over Mr. X's knee. I really hope to see more of Ryan preferably getting spanked OTK again. What a great new model. Great job, Mr. X, Art, Andy, and welcome Ryan.
r1108 | Voted Video 9/10 | 11th May 12:29
Maybe it was intentional on Dave's part but in trying to make up my mind I watched this through a few more times :) I still go with what I said in response to the interview that Ryan is and will be an ongoing asset to SLS, as long as Dave can convince him (gently and with charm :) ) to come back, and will chalk up what I saw as overacting as just what it probably was; nerves. One thing I enjoy about these doubles is the arguing back and forth between the two (or three in some cases) guys as they point their fingers at each other. I admit I flashed back very easily to Dom and Adam's vid as I watched through this the first time. Just out of curiosity, and this to any of the models, when MR X is speaking to the other miscreant while you are over his knee, what is going through your head? "Quit yammering and get on with it" or "keep talking as long as you want as long as your attention isn't on me" type thought? What can I say to the general kudos already given..can only say it so many times :)..well done to usual.
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 11th May 12:36
Glad you liked it Cami! I am doing what I can to get Ryan back!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 11th May 12:38
Thanks LoriLee! I thought Art excelled himself here with the split screen at the end. In fact the overall look of this movie is simply outstanding, so thank you Art!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 11th May 12:40
Hey nanarr, I love the fact you used the word shenanigans. It's one of my favourite words! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 11th May 12:41
Uchikimatsu, I too was surprised at how well Ryan did with the dialogue, especially as he was so nervous! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 11th May 12:59
Ok r1108, I think I might have some good news for you. Trust me there was not only NO overacting on Ryan's part, but really no acting! All the turning away stuff was 100% genuine. It was not directed at all. You need to understand that just 2 or 3 days prior to this Ryan knew NOTHING about Straight Lads Spanked. The contact I had with him was minimal prior to him arriving with Andy. He had not even looked at the website or seen a preview movie. Even though Andy & Ryan do work out together, I know that they had not seen each other naked. How do I know this? Well it was really funny, but Ryan commented on Andy's exceptionally large penis! Like he said it was just ridiculously large! I know Andy, and trust me he is a show-off. If there had been a situation that these guys were previously naked around each other Andy would have waved his cock around like a proud peacock! In fact, I have just spoken to Andy in the middle of typing this and he tells me that they live so close to the gym that he arrives, works out, gets back in the car and showers at home.

Ryan did not understand he would be getting spanked in front of Andy until he arrived. In Fact, Andy was not actually going to be in the movie. He was simply bringing Ryan. Andy and I discussed option with Ryan and he was told you either do a Mr X movie on your own or do one with Andy. It was explained he would get spanked less and would have more breaks if he shot one with Andy. (incidentally, here is some more behind the scenes gossip. Andy had not come down to film, so we never discussed a fee in advance. When he turned up with Ryan and the conversation happened, Andy just suggested he appears in the movie. He did this to help me out. He never asked for cash and we did not even discuss him getting belted, it just happened. Afterwards I offered Andy some cash and it took a while before he would even accept it and trust me, it was rock bottom)

So Ryan is 100% nervous and not sure about the whole filming thing. He genuinely was close to saying no! He is 100% straight and found it difficult watching Andy getting spanked and especially seeing him getting undressed. He could not bare to watch it and I (Mr X) really had to keep in telling him to turn around and watch! No acting! No direction! Just a bewildered lad!

I too would love to see Andy's initial conversations. He keeps on surprising me!

Oh and just for the record, as much as Ryan was nervous and awkward, I want to make it very clear that he fully consented to making the movie and is still fine about it all now. He made a grown up decision to go ahead and had every chance to simply not film and leave at any time.
uchikimatsu | Not voted video yet | 11th May 14:29
Is there anything the fans can do to convince Ryan we really like him and want him back?
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 11th May 14:39
Trust me Uchikimatsu, I am trying everything I can to get him back! It's a delicate work in progress! :)
r1108 | Voted Video 9/10 | 12th May 08:07
Dave...I do appreciate the update/further insight and adjusted my rating accordingly :). Andy's initial conversations would be interesting but so would the post conversations after they leave you that first time :).
Aimee1234 | Voted Video 8/10 | 13th May 10:52
Ryan is great in this for it being his first video. I loved his reactions and his acting. Really good. Andy for me is as always the star of the show. I hope he means what he says in the interview and keeps making videos even though he's got his great new job now.
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 26th September 16:52
Andy's penis is kinda mesmerising...
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