Andy & Marcus
Brother In Charge
Part 13
This Spanking Video follows on from Brother in Charge Part 12
Big brother Andy Lee's one-man war on drugs continues in this week's exciting brand-new release from Straight Lads Spanked.
When you see the punishments dished out over Andy's knee to all those connected with getting his younger brother, Dan, to try drugs, it's surprising that more of them don't Just Say No!
In this male spanking video, the latest victim is Marcus, who has already received a sound spanking from community disciplinarian Mr X for dealing weed. And when Marcus is quick to point the finger at Dan's friend, John, Andy shows that there is more than one meaning for 'grass'... but they will both result in a sore red bottom!
Andy wastes no time in hauling the lad over the knee and spanking him hard with his hand on the seat of his tight-fitting trousers. It's not long before they come down, though, to reveal Marcus's bright pink pants, and that his bottom and thighs are quickly taking on a matching hue! Marcus may be a drug dealer and reprobate, but at least he's colour-coordinated!
When Andy pulls the unfortunate lad's pants tight up the crack between his cheeks, Marcus might as well be getting spanked on his bare bottom... and soon enough he is! Draped over Andy's knee with his trousers and pants around his knees, feeling Andy's hard hand coming down hard across his ample bare backside time and again, Marcus is soon a very sore and sorry lad, and promising he has learned his lesson.
Andy, who as loyal members are well aware has had his own beefy bottom warmed more than once, again shows himself here to be an accomplished disciplinarian when it comes to scolding and spanking, dispensing both in equally hard-hitting style!