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Christian - First and Last - Locker Room Spanking
Christian - You Bet Your Ass
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Spanking Game - Karl, Fraser & Jay - Round Three
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Fraser - Traditional Punishment - Paddled
Josef - Time For The Belt
Jason - Caught Peeping At Girls - Part Two
Sam - Brother In Charge - Part 23
Bobby & Alex - Spanked Footballers
Conor Lee & Sam - Brother In Charge - Part 22
Charlie - Bubble Bath Blues
Jason & Marco - Caught Smoking
Ben & Karl - The Humiliation - Complete Compilation!
Paddle Dare - Part Two - Andy Lee & Jay
Ben\'s Birthday Spanking
Dom & Harry - Don\'t Mess With My Girlfriend
Real Punishment - Andy - Birched
Karl - Real Punishment - Trust
Alex - Bubble Bath Blues
Paul - Bubble Bath Blues
Sebastian & Spencer - Supervisor Spanking
Wayne - Bath Brush Beating - Interview
Fraser - Wait Til Your Father Gets Home
Fraser & Kevin - Spanked Footballers - Part Two
Charlie & Ashley - Bully Gets Spanked
Jake - Mouth Soaping
Alfie - Enough Is Enough - Part 2
Josh - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Charlie Interview
Brother In Charge - Oliver - Part Nine
Bobby - Caught Smoking
Blake - Real Punishment
Blake - Paddled
Aaron - Health & Safety
Alex - Real Punishment - Bad Attitude
Alex - First & Last - Locker Room Spanking
Wayne - Bath Brush Beating
Tommy - Bubble Bath Blues
Spencer - Spanked For Speeding
Ryan - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home

31st December 2013 09:15

(This interview was originally posted to JockSpank)
Amongst the most regular contributors to JockSpank is the Straight Lads Spanked studio run by our good friend Dave, otherwise known as “Mr X”. As the name suggests, “Straight Lads Spanked” features genuine, handsome, real life straight guys, receiving punishment spankings for various acts of misbehavior, often over the knee of the local spanker, the mysterious, ski mask wearing Mr X.
I first interviewed Mr X back in July 2012, and that interview can be read here. However, as there have been a number of developments with Straight Lads Spanked since then, Mr X has agreed to do a second interview and answer some questions from visitors to both JockSpank and to the new Straight Lads Spanked website. 
Hi Dave / Mr X, Since your previous interview with JockSpank you have launched a new member website, can you tell our readers about that?

Sure! It’s astonishing how much has changed since I was last interviewed for JockSpank! So yes about the new website! I always dreamed of having this website from the beginning but I never thought it would happen so soon! It really came down to economics.
I was initially selling the movies through Clips4Sale. Which was fine, other than the fact they take a HUGE cut of the takings! It was disheartening to see all that commission being paid out every month. Now this was not just about me being greedy. This mm spanking market is a rather small niche, so every penny counts! I would rather be able to give the models more and make better movies than giving it to the hosting company. With reflection, I have no issue with Clips4Sale, they offer a great service and make it easy for people like myself to get started. But it does not make sense for me to stay there long term!
So then I started using Paypal to process the payments and set up a blog inwhich to sell the movies. This was so much better! I actually had a conversation with Paypal before doing this and they gave me the green light as we agreed that the spanking fetish did not come under the ‘porn’ category. I was told though that it would be monitored and if there were many complaints it would be looked at again. This was a great time for me. It just worked so well and I was able to get most of the money from sales and plough it back into making some good movies! 
But then it all went wrong! An occasional customer whom I will not mention by name started to get a bit scary! He would leave vile comments about other members and myself. But then he started leaving comments saying that he was going to report me to Paypal! He then told me he had and would keep on doing it! Now this was a real worry as Paypal delay in paying you and they could have withheld monies! So I had no choice but to jump first. It was so sad! What was even worse was that when I contacted this person looking for an explanation he just said he was sorry, didn’t know why he said these things and he hadn’t really contacted Paypal! The abuse on the blogs continued and it was for that reason that I had no choice but to simply remove the ability for anyone to leave comments on the blog. So sad as it was a feature that I know many people got a lot from.
Straight Lads Spanked website
So I had to make a decision and is the result! I was delighted to be accepted by Epoch the credit card processing company and that was what I needed to get started! 
So now I have a lovely, shiny new website! Well it’s now nearly a year old! Wow! I love having the members section as so many of my customers have been loyal from the beginning and this gives them access to all the updates whilst saving a lot compared to purchasing the movies individually. I really do appreciate the members and they say such nice things to me!

Harry the Bully gets his comeuppance

So we understand that you were very much a beginner without much spanking experience never mind filming experience when you started a few years back. What would you say has changed since then?
Oh that really is a good question. So much has changed. So the most important thing that has changed is that I now have a professional editor onboard. Most of the members know him. He is called Art and is a truly wonderful, talented man. We have built up a great working relationship and he understands me fully. I respect him too as he is not afraid to offer advice or even tell me off! Lol! So Art, if you are reading this, you are truly appreciated! The equipment has changed too. I started off with just one camera and now I have three! This means that sometimes you see all three angles on screen at once due to Art’s using split screen. I also have lighting too! I have Stephen from Just Magic to thank for that as it had not even crossed my mind and I saw that him use it and the difference was very clear. 
But also my approach has changed a little. I have a better understanding of what the guys can take and I guess I push things a bit harder than I used. My filming method has changed somewhat too. I used to spend a lit if time stopping and starting, giving the lads breaks and so on. But I learned that really the guys would just prefer for me to get on with it so it finishes earlier. So now I rarely stop and what you see in the final movie is not far from what the genuine sequence that happened during filming. These lads are genuinely taking the punishment that you see, usually without breaks. I love it because it makes the movies so much better. 
I am also less sensitive to criticism than I used to be. I just accept that I can’t make movies to suit everyone’s taste. It would be impossible. So I just do the best I can with what I have around me and make movies that I would want to watch. I always take comments and suggestions onboard and do what I can to accommodate them but I don’t lose sleep anymore if I feel it’s not appropriate for my website.
You mentioned Just Magic earlier and since we last spoke you have actually filmed with The Magic Spanking Factory in Germany. Can you tell us more about that?
Oh it was such a great experience! I had been chatting to Stephen for a while on email and I know he will be mad that I am saying this and spoiling the illusion but he really is a rather lovely, kind man! He was very supportive of me and gave lots of good advice. I just thought one day that it would be really special if we could shoot something together.
Just Magic in Action
I had an idea and ran it by Stephen and was as excited as me about it!.
Foul Mouthed Andy was a real triumph as I released the movie with zero information as to what it contained. I just asked the fans to trust me and that the surprise would be worth it! The reaction was fantastic and made it all worthwhile! Stephen is great in this movie, especially when he hits poor Andy on the head with his book!
I was quite brave to and managed to film sequences not only through the airport but on the plane too! I have still tried to not give everything away but I would suggest that if you enjoy my movies and the Magic Spanking Factory movies that Foul Mouthed Andy – Spanked and Belted is worth a look!

I would now like to ask you some questions left by visitors to JockSpank or which have been submitted via the Straight Lads Spanked blog:
Q: Who is the easiest model to work with?
Wow! This is a real difficult one! You do realise that the models will probably be reading this? It reminds me a bit of a situation my Mum was in, I have 3 brothers and we used to ask her which one of us was her favourite! Of course she would answer that she loves us all the same! 
However, let me try and answer as best as I can! I find that with models I have done a lot of work with like Andy, Oliver and Bailey that each shoot gets easier and easier as we build up a real trust. That is the key to this. Trust. The model will take a lot more if he feels safe and secure and has no doubt that nothing bad will happen.
Dom over Dad's knee in Dad Found Twitter
However, the answer I’m going to give is Dom. From the beginning he was brilliant. Confident and great at delivering the lines. The movie Dad Found Twitter which as I’m writing this is still ranked at number one is a great example. We did not rehearse the opening sequence at all. Dom had no idea what I was going to say (in fact I had no idea what I was going to say) so every reply and reaction from Dom is just spontaneous and quite simply wonderful! He can also take a mighty hard spanking too!
Q: Which movies did you like making the most?
Hmm, my first thought is one that I am not appearing in! It’s easier for me to make a better film I think when I am behind the camera. From a personal point of view I also hate watching anything back that I am in but can enjoy a movie that I am not appearing in.
Andy and Patrick in Brother in Charge
Ok, I’m going to pick 2! The first two Brother in Charge movies were extraordinary to film! Working with real life brothers with a storyline that is not far from their own real life was incredible! I actually got quite choked up at some of the emotion of it all.
Harry with Fred and Oliver in Stolen Holiday Money 3 - Brothers' Revenge
However, I equally enjoyed the Stolen Holiday Money series. I thought Harry and Fred were brilliant together and knowing the dynamics of their real life, long term friendship made it even more special! When I first thought of Straight Lads Spanked – Stolen Holiday Money PartThree was the movie I always dreamed of making but never thought I would find the guys to do it. 
Q: How long on average does it take to film each movie?
Well if I am shooting with a brand new model it takes a lot longer as I have to reassure them and talk them through it. For a returning model it is much quicker! In fact, I am getting quicker and quicker with them. In fact more often than not. What you see now in the final edited version is similar in length to the time it took film. I rarely stop now and just run the scenario right through.
I have actually filmed something with Andy which I am excited for you all to see. I get asked a lot about the filming process and how it works so I decided to show you! I set up a camera in the corner of the room and I started it just when Andy arrived and kept it rolling as we discussed and planned the movie and all the way through filming! So I intend to release the edited movie followed by the entire behind the scenes footage so you will get to see how the magic happens! 
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