14th January 2013 01:54
Hey Everyone!
One thin that has always been inprtant to me is the awesome participation from the members of Straight Lads Spanked on my blog. I wanted to carry that over here to the new website and have already added some new features which will allow some interatction.
1. Video Rating! Members can now rate each movie from 1 to 10. I'm really intersted to see the results. In fact, this will give me an idea of the type of movie and models that you areally like and the ones you are less keen on which can guide me when planning the next video shoot! So please feel free to explore and start rating!
2. Comments. I have now set up a comments box for each movie! Members can leave their thoughts on each new movie. I always enjoy hearing what you all have to say!
3. Blog - Here we are on the new blog! It is her that I will be posting any udates or bits of news about Straight Lads Spanked. Anyone can post on the blog (you don;t have to be a member) so fee free to hit the comment button below and say hi! :)
Mr X