6th June 2015 14:08 | LAST COMMENT 510 weeks ago
So there has been some comments recently about the appearance of some models (in particular new lad Aaron) and in turn that has led to some comments from people not liking people leaving negative comments about the models appearance..
So I guess I wanted to bring the discussion to one place and also explain how I feel about it and what I feel is acceptable or not.
Ok so here goes! I think when you are dealing with fetish movies that involve models then it is perfectly normal that we are going to have feelings about the appearance of the model. Sometimes these will be feelings of approval and sometimes it will be the opposite.
So is it acceptable to make comments about the look of the model? Well I think it is. No one complains if people point out the positive things they like about the model (like Ryan's stomach or Fraser's puppy dog eyes) so I think it should also be fine to point out the things you don't like. As long as comments are not made with malicious intent then I think it's ok.
I think it's all about the way it is put across really.
For example, saying "I can't stand Bailey movies because he is so ugly" would be a out of order. Beauty is of course in the eye of the beholder! Saying, "I can't stand Bailey movies because his looks are not to my taste" is much more acceptable.
What about talking about someones weight or body fat? Again, I guess it all depends on how it is said. "Saying that you don't find the model attractive because you prefer thinner guys or a washboard stomach is not being nasty, it's just honest. Whereas just calling someone fat is a bit unpleasant!
As the producer I thrive on feedback from the members. So saying that I only want positive feedback would not work very well. I also have to remember that people like the movies for different reasons. Some really like the characters and dialogue and stories, however some just like the look of the model and will fast forward until the pants get pulled down! There is no right or wrong!
So as long as everything plays nice and is not nasty then all comments good and bad are very welcome!
I encourage all comments, if enough people say they really like someone then I will be inclined to get them back quickly, similarly if enough people say they don't like the look of a model then I will also take that onboard.
It's a really tricky one to try and explain!
Dave x
PS From what I have read so far, Aaron will definitely be coming back!