13th April 2015 15:57 | LAST COMMENT 519 weeks ago
I was just reflecting today on the amount of full-length spanking movies I have produced in just over three years of production. I have now made over 200 male spanking videos! Wow! I never thought when I first started that I would still be here now having more fun than ever making these male, punishment movies.
There has been so many highs along the way for me. From the very beginning when I first got Andy Lee and Baily Morgan to film for me. I had this idea in my head of the direction I wanted to go down with Straight Lads Spanked and it all began with "Builders In Trouble" movies.
I suppose thinking back experimenting with ideas like the "Spank Jenga" movies was also really exciting. Getting masculine, straight lads in forfeit scenarios where you have friends spanking each other not easy to achieve and took a lot of persuasion!
I think also working with real life brothers like Andy Lee and his brothers Patrick and Dan and also Oliver & Fred was something I never dreamed would happen. Then, progressing to having the brothers spanking each other in a realistic setting was just so exciting. I really liked how “Brother’s at War" ended up.
Production of these mm spanking moves reached another level when Art my editor joined the team and to this day he never fails to impress and excite me with the marvellous and innovative way he transforms the raw footage I send him, into something so brilliant! I feel truly blessed to have Art involved.
Oh and of course, if I don't meniton my awesome web designer Stuart then I make wake up and find the entire mm spanking website has been deletd!
Something else that I never expected to happen was that some of the guys who get spanked in the videos would end up being friends of mine.
Lastly, though and by no means least is of course the wonderful members. All of you who have supported what I do. That leave wonderful comments on the movies and just get involved in so many ways. Everything I do now is for you and I wouldn’t have it any other way.