15th June 2014 09:44 | LAST COMMENT 559 weeks ago
Hello Everyone!
So having just posted this blog post about the amount of woman that has embraced Straight Lads Spanked I thought it was also the perfect opportunity to address the men who are also fans of mm spanking movies.
Well in particular the guys who identify themselves as being straight!
Again, before I continue, I just want to make it clear that I am some dude that is hung up on people's individual sexuality. Anyone who really knows me, understands that is far from the truth.
However, it has become really clear to me that in the past people from all sexual persuasions have had issues on other gay mm spanking websites.
So I guess I wanted to say hello to all the straight men that are fans and members of Straight Lads Spanked! I have received many emails from straight guys who find it so frustrating that they have had issues and abuse in the past from people saying that if they are into mm spanking videos then they must be gay (or at least a bit bi).
Well of course that is all a load of bollocks!
There is simply no reason why liking to watch mm spanking punishment movies or Corporal Punishment videos in any way has a reflection of your sexuality.
I also am aware that there are straight make members of this website that like my mm spanking movies but feel a little embarrassed to contribute or get involved as they have also previously had a hard time elsewhere!
So I just wanted to also say hello to you, to tell you how welcome you are here and that I feel privileged that you have chosen to join Straight Lads Spanked.
If there are any straight men lurking in the background that have so far not really felt comfortable in contributing them why not do it here! Trust me, you will be made very welcome!
Of course, the same applies to the gay men too! Apparently there are even some gay guys out there that enjoy my spanking films!
Peace Everyone!