Harry wants new clothes and shoes. He is only 18 and has not yet worked out that you have to earn money before spending it. So he decides to 'borrow' his flatmate and best friend Fred's holiday savings and go shopping.
Fred comes home and finds out his money has been spent and is incandescant with rage. Harry can't understand what the fuss is all about as he can pay it all back on Friday when he gets paid. Fred explains that he needs the money immediately to pay the deposit for his holiday.
Harry confesses that is already spent the cash.
Furming Fred grabs Harry in rage and drags him over his knee. He decides that since it is £300 Harry should receive 300 spanks.
Harry is powerless in Fred's strong grip and has no choice but to accept his deserverd punishment.
What results is a very real spanking that shows how lads sort things out when friends take advantage.
"""""""More from Mr X........ So let me tell you more about this movie. Harry and Fred are real life best mates. There was a great moment during a break in filming when Fred said to Harry as he was over his lap, "how did we end up going from doing our GCSE's (school exams in the UK) to this?" I fact, I may release some outtakes from this movie as they are pretty cute!"""""""

One request for future videos - could you please have the spanker spank his victim a little harder than in this clip?

As for the spanker spanking the victim harder..... well I have two comments to make about that. This was the first time Harry had been spanked by Fred and there is only so hard he would go in this instance... However........ There will be a second part to this movie and even a very satisfying third part conclusion! Revenge is Sweet!!!

Great work.

Great stuff - let's see the dom side in some of these studs.